To the editor of the S.C.M. Post – The writer have made arrangements with the proprietor of the Coronet Theatre for the use of his hall twice nightly for about half an hour, when as a relief from the unending round of Gazettes, Dramas and Comedies that are shown there.
March 10th, 11th and 12th, all comedy programme, Charlie Chaplin in 'Shanghaied,' Max Linder in 'Max in a Taxi' and Harold Lloyd in 'Bliss.' Also 'Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford.' Booking at Robinson's.
To accompany the first episode of 'Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford,' we have arranged a special comedy programme, featuring Max Linder, Charlie Chaplin and Harold Lloyd. We are also showing the latest war film, bringing events down to November 22nd, 1918. Prices as usual. Booking at…
All comedy programme! Charlie Chaplin in 'Shanghaied,' Max Linder in 'Max in a Taxi,' Harold Lloyd in 'Bliss,' and 'Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford.' Booking at Robinson's.
To accompany the first episode of 'Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford,' we have arranged a special comedy programme featuring Max Linder, Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd. We are also showing the latest war film. Booking at Robinson's.
March 10, 11 and 12, all comedy programme. Charlie Chaplin in 'Shanghaied,' Max Linder in 'Max in a Taxi,' Harold Lloyd in 'Bliss' and 'Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford.' Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight, to accompany the first episode of 'Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford,' we have arranged a special comedy programme, featuring Max Linder, Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd. We are also showing the latest war film, bringing events down to November 22nd, 1918. 8,000 feet of first-class…
Despite the many other attractions, the novel advertising methods employed by the Coronet Theatre were rewarded yesterday by two very satisfactory houses. The programme included Harold Lloyd's 'Bliss,' Max Linder's 'Max in a Taxi' with Rufus Wallingford and Charlie…
Those who have not seen the splendid all-comedy programme at the Coronet Theatre should not miss visiting this popular hall tonight when it will be screened for the last time. It is seldom that patrons of any cinema are given the opportunity of seeing Charlie Chaplin, Max Linder and Harold Lloyd…
The Slave Market' featuring Pauline Frederick. Also episode two of 'Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford' entitled 'Three Rings and a Goat,' British Gazette No. 493 and a comedy, 'Shocking Stockings.'
The Slave Market,' a tale of the Spanish Main showing tonight at the Coronet Theatre. Pauline Frederick is the girl. And if you want more than that there is also Episode two of 'Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford' entitled 'Three Rings and a Goat.' Not to mention British Gazette…
March 24th, 25th and 26th, Douglas Fairbanks in 'Double Trouble,' 'Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford' episode 3 and British Gazette No. 495. Booking at Robinson's.
March 24, 25 and 26, Douglas Fairbanks in 'Double Trouble.' Also showing 'Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford' episode 3 and British Gazette No. 495. Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Bessie Love and DeWolf Hopper in 'Stranded'; 'Love and a Savage'; 'Wallingford' episode 5; British Gazette No. 498. Saturday, April 12th at 2.15 p.m., special all comedy children's matinee. Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight, Bessie Love and De Wolf Hopper in 'Stranded.' Love and a Savage, 'Wallingford' episode 5. British Gazette No. 498. Special all comedy, children's matinee. Booking at Robinson's.
Tonight at 4.30 p.m. and 9.15 p.m., Bessie Love and DeWolf Hopper in 'Stranded.' 'Love and a Savage.' 'Walingford' episode 5. British Gazette, No. 498. Today (Saturday), April 12th at 2.15 p.m., special all comedy, children's matinee. Booking at Robinson's…
Washington, Jan. 29 – At least sixty-nine were killed and one hundred injured in the Knickerbocker Cinema disaster. The accident occurred during the screening of a film based on the play 'Get Rich Quick Wallingford.'