How does a women know? May McAvoy in 'Morals.' Film plot included. January 30 Remarks: Also showing British Gazette and Out of the Inkwell Cartoon Comedy, 'Merchancial Doll' [sic]. Illustration included. January 30-31 Remarks: Also showing British Gazette.
Tuesday and Wednesday only, May McAvoy in 'Morals.' January 29 Remarks: Another ad. on page 4. Plot included.
Tuesday and Wednesday only, May McAvoy in 'Morals.' January 31 Remarks: Also showing British Gazette and Out of the Inkwell Cartoon Comedy, 'Mechanical Doll.'
Now till Saturday, May McAvoy in 'Morals,' a great throbbing story produced from W. J. Locke's novel. Also British Gazette, latest news from Great Britain, and Out of the Inkwell cartoon comedy, 'Mechanical Doll.'
Tuesday and Wednesday only, May McAvoy in 'Morals.' Also British Gazette, showing the latest news of Great Britain.
Today only, May McAvoy in 'Morals.' Also British Gazette, showing the latest news of Great Britain.