The great dramatic picture 'Fascination' in 4 parts. The very amusing comedy 'The Mocking Actress' in 2 parts. Both will be shown on Tuesday, 5th January and for a few nights only.
On Jan 5 and for a few nights only, the great dramatic picture 'Fascination' in 3 parts, and a very amusing comedy 'The Mocking Actress' in 2 parts.
Films screenings including 'Fascination' (4 parts) and 'The Mocking Actress' (2 parts)
Nightly at the Victoria Theatre some very good pictures are being shown. 'Fascination,' 'The Mocking Actress' and on Friday next the great military picture 'High Treason' and Fourth series of War Pictures will be screened.
The film 'Fascination,' 'Obstacle Gun Drill,' 'The Belle and the Bracelet,' 'The Mocking Actress' have been screened for the last few nights. Tomorrow night, 'High Treason' will be screened for the first time, and with it, a fourth series of war…
Fascination,' and 'The Mocking Actress' are shown at the Victoria Theatre. Further war pictures are to be shown at an early date.
Coming screening: 'Fascination' (3 parts), 'Tango Tangle', 'The Stepmother' (3 parts) and Pathe's British Gazette
On Nov 23, the magnificent three-part drama 'Fascination'; also Pathe's British Gazette and 'The Tango Tangle'; on Nov 16, the beautiful drama 'The Stepmother' in 3 parts.
Full houses have again been the rule at the Victoria at the various weekend performances. The Friday and Monday programme at the Victoria contains some bright little comics, another Wiffles picture, Pathe's Gazette 'The Flight that Saves,' and a coloured picture of the Cotentin…
Films screenings including 'Fascination' (3 parts) and 'Tango Tangle'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette; Coming film: 'The Stepmother'
The magnificent drama in 3 parts, 'Fascination,' on Tuesday, on 23rd November, 1915. Pathe's British gazette included. 'The Tango Tangle.' The beautiful drama in 3 parts, 'The Stepmother,' on Friday, 26th November, 1915.
A feature of the current programme at the Victoria Theatre is the three-part drama 'Fascination,' one of Messrs. Pathe Freres' big achievements.
With Mae Murray in the stellar role of 'Broadway Rose,' which comes to the Queen's Theatre today. The beautiful Metro star was starred in 'Peacock Alley' and 'Fascination.' Film plot included.
Wednesday to Saturday, March 18th to 21st at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., first appearance of Murray, the Australian Handcuff King featuring 'The $5000 Trunk Mystery.' Also showing Katherine MacDonald in 'The Beautiful Liar,' a First National picture. Prices of admission: at 5.15 and…
For Friday and Saturday, Murray, the Australian Handcuff King. Also, showing Katherin [sic] MacDonald in 'The Beautiful Liar,' a First National attraction. March 21 remarks: Mae Murray in 'Fascination.'
Today only at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., the most sentimental acts ever presented in Hongkong, Murray in 'Australian Figure 8 Irons' and 'Challenge Rope Tie-Up,' and many other new tricks. Also showing Katherine MacDonald in 'The Beautiful Liar.' Tomorrow (Sunday) at 6.00…
Today to Wednesday, Metro Pictures Corporation presents Mae Murry and Creighton Hale in 'Fascination' in eight parts. Also 'Vodavil' No. 7. March 25 remarks: Buster Keaton in 'Three Ages' 6 parts.
Yesterday, Queen's Theatre screened the Metro star Mae Murray's latest photoplay 'Fascination' presented by Robert Z. Leonard.
Mae Murray has again shown the possibilities of the romantic, rapidly-moving and highly dramatic brand of picture play in a Tiffany production under Metro release, 'Fascination,' presented by Robert Z. Leonard, which opened yesterday at the Queen's Theatre. Her previous Metro…
Today to Wednesday, March 23rd to 25th at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15 p.m., Metro Pictures Corporation presents Mae Murray and Creighton Hale in 'Fascination,' in 8 parts. Also 'Vod-a-Vil' no. 7. Prices of admission: at 5.15 p.m., $1.20, $1.00 and 60 cents; at 9.15 p.m., $1.50…