On July 16, 17th & 18th episodes of the 'Perils of Pauline,' see the thrilling and startling experiences of Pauline being shot through the torpedo tube of a submarine; Pathe's British Gazettes; Keystone comedies; shortly to be shown 'Sherlock Holmes' and '…
Film screening of 'Perils of Pauline' (17th & 18th episodes); Coming Keystone comedies: 'Sherlock Holmes' and 'Othello'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette
Film screening of 'Perils of Pauline' (17th & 18th episodes); Coming Keystone comedies: 'Sherlock Holmes' and 'Othello'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette
Film screening of 'Perils of Pauline' (17th & 18th episodes); Coming Keystone comedies: 'Sherlock Holmes' and 'Othello'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette
The Tragedy of the Four Devils' is the chief feature of the programme at the Victoria Theatre. The Keystone comic films are highly appreciated. 'Othello,' 'Sherlock Holmes,' 'Lucille's Love,' are to be shown shortly.
Othello' was one of the principal features at the Victoria Theatre this week
At the Victoria Cinematograph Theatre the famous Shakespeare's play 'Othello' will be shown on Friday evening. New comics and war films will form part of the programme.
On Feb 11, the great Shakespearian play 'Othello' in 6 reels; interesting: Pathe's British Gazette, 'Big Guns for the Front'; comics: 'Leaning to Leanness,' 'On His Wedding Day' (Keystone); Saturday matinee 'Capt. Tom Kead'; Sunday Matinee…
The great Shakespearian play in 6 reels, 'Othello,' on Friday, 11th February, 1916. Interesting picture including 'Big Guns for the Front.' Pathe's British Gazette included. Comics including 'Leaning to Leanness' and 'On His Wedding Day' (Keystone).…
Films screenings including 'Othello' (6 reels), 'Big Guns at Front', 'Learning to Leaness', 'On His Wedding Day' (Keystone); Coming film: 'Capt. Tom Kidd' and 'Ave Maria'; Screening of 'Pathe's British Gazette
Apart from Shakespeare's play 'Othello,' the Victoria Theatre is showing war and big guns for the front pictures from Pathe's British Gazette; 'A Leaning to Leanness' and 'On His Wedding Day,' which are both comic films.
Films screenings including 'Othello' (6 reels), 'Big Guns at Front', 'Learning to Leaness', 'On His Wedding Day' (Keystone); Coming film: 'Capt. Tom Kidd' and 'Ave Maria'; Screening of 'Pathe's British Gazette
On Feb 15, 'As You Like It'; also 'The New Dawn,' oceanography; 'Delayed Proposal' [sic]; 'Wiffles and the Heiress'; 'Wille's Riot' (Keystone); on Feb 16, 'Othello'; on Feb 18, performance by Tom Melbourne.
In addition to a new Pathe Gazette and another topical picture 'Big Guns for the Front,' the Victoria is offering its patrons an excellent representation of 'Othello.' tomorrow night, this will be replaced with 'As You Like It.' An all British company Tom Melbourne…
Two dramas, 'As You Like It' and 'The New Dawn,' on Tuesday, 15th February, 1916. Interesting picture including 'Oceangraphy.' Comics including 'Delayed Proposals,' 'Wiffles and the Heiress' and 'Willie's Riot' (Keystone). '…
Films screenings including 'As You Like It', 'The New Dawn', 'Wiffles & The Heiress', 'Wiffles Rlot' (Keystone) and 'Othello'
The Victoria Theatre will offer attractions, including Melbourne Comedy Company. 'The Culprit' will be screened. 'Othello' will be exhibited at the matinee.
New Scala Theatre screened a 'super' production film entitled 'Passion.' This will be the first screening of a German film in London since the outbreak of the war in November. The film was screened in Germany under the name of 'Madame du Barry' [sic] featuring Mlle…