Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., First National Pictures presents Strongheart. Also 'Brawn of the North.' Next change, the seasons rip-roaringest comedy, Douglas MacLean in 'Bell Boy 13,' a Thomas H. Ince production. May 21 Remarks: Saturday, May 23rd at 2.30 and 7.15, 'The…
Today at 5.15 and 9.15, First National Pictures presents Strongheart the wonder dog in 'Brawn of the North.' Next change, Douglas MacLean in 'Bell Boy 13,' a Thos. H. Ince production.
Last performance today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Strongheart the wonder dog in 'Brawn of the North,' a First National attraction. Tomorrow at 5.15 and 9.15, Douglas MacLean in 'Bell Boy 13,' a Thos. H. Ince production. Saturday, May 23rd at 2.30 and 7.15, 'The Funeral of Dr…
Queen's Theatre will be showing the Thomas H. Ince comedy 'Bell Boy 13' featuring Douglas MacLean, on Friday, May 22nd. Mr. MacLean shows some clever acting in the film. One of San Francisco's biggest hotels is used to set the background.
Bell Boy 13,' starring by Douglas Maclean, is to be shown at Queen's Theatre tomorrow. Film plot included.
That Douglas MacLean's talents are not limited to portrayals of aristocratic and dignified young men, is well illustrated by his characterization of 'Shorty' the bellhop in 'Bell Boy 13,' the Thomas H. Ince comedy farce, which will be shown at the Queen's Theatre on…
Today to Saturday at 5.15 and 9.15, Douglas MacLean in 'Bell Boy 13.' Also his Rascals in 'July Days,' an 'Our Gang' comedy in 2 parts. Saturday, May 23rd at 2.30 and 7.15, 'The Funeral of Dr. Sun Yet Sen' in 7 parts. May 25 Remarks: Tomorrow at 5.15 and 9…
Today and Saturday at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Thomas H. Ince presents Douglas MacLean in 'Bell Boy 13.' Saturday, May 23rd at 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., 'The Funeral of Dr. Sun Yat Sun' in 7 parts. Illustration included.
Bell Boy 13,' starring Douglas Maclean, is now opening at Queen's Theatre. Film plot included.
Douglas MacLean, who appears as a young bellhop in Thomas H. Ince's latest comedy farce 'Bell Boy 13,' now opening at the Queen's Theatre, says that he got one of the biggest thrills of his movie career when he had to climb out on a window ledge 12 stories high for one of the…
Today and tomorrow at 5.15 and 9.15, Douglas MacLean in 'Bell Boy 13.' Also His Rascals in 'July Days,' an Our Gang comedy in 2 parts. Saturday, May, 23rd at 2.30 and 7.15, 'The Funeral of Dr. Sun Yat Sen' in 7 parts. May 23 Remarks: Illustration included. May 25…
Queen's Theatre will be showing the Thomas H. Ince comedy 'Bell Boy 13.' The film features Douglas MacLean, Margaret Loomis and John Sterling [sic]. Film synopsis included.
Bell Boy 13,' starring Douglas Maclean, is now opening at Queen's Theatre. Film plot included.
Once in a while, a producer strikes upon the happy combination of having comedy situations worked out by real comedians. Thomas H. Ince has done this in his new comedy farce, 'Bell Boy 13.' Douglas MacLean's portrayal is one of the funniest of his career. Margaret Loomis has the…
Today last shows at 5.15 and 9.15, Douglas MacLean in 'Bell Boy 13.' Also 'July Days,' an 'Our Gang' comedy in 2 parts. Today last shows at 2.30 and 7.15, 'The Funeral of Dr. Sun Yat Sen' in 7 parts. Tomorrow at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Anita Stewart in '…
Bell Boy No. 13' is the title of the excellent picture now showing at the Queen's Theatre.
Filming a clever farce is as difficult as making a chic frock, according to Thomas H. Ince – one bad line will spoil the whole creation. Ince's latest production is a comedy farce, 'Bell Boy 13.' One stitch can spoil the effect of a thousand-dollar gown, and one scene in which the…