A new round of the Leather Pushers, 'The Wandering Two,' De Luxe edition with Reginald Denny, commencing Sunday 4th till Tuesday 6th. Also, Jack Hoxie in 'Men in the Raw.' May 6 Remarks: Another ad. on 'The Wandering Two' only.
A new round of 'The Leather Pushers,' 'The Wandering Two,' deluxe edition with the original cast including Reginald Denny. Commencing Sunday 4th, till Tuesday 6th (Sunday matinee excepted). Also Jack Hoxie in 'Men in the Raw.'
Mon. & Tue. Only, a new round of 'The Leather Pushers' De Luxe edition featuring Reginald Denny. Also, Jack Hoxies [sic] in 'Men in the Raw.' Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre.
Monday and Tuesday only, a new round of 'The Leather Pushers,' deluxe edition featuring Reginald Denny. Also Jack Hoxie in 'Men in the Raw.' Usual prices. Booking at the theatre.
Monday and Tuesday only, a new record of 'The Leather Pushers,' deluxe edition featuring Reginald Denny. Also Jack Hoxie in 'Men in the Raw.' Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre.
Last time today, Pauline Stark [sic] in 'Salvation Nell.' Sunday, Jack Hoxie in 'Men in the Raw,' and Reg. Denny, Round 14 of 'Leather Pushers.' Extra special engagement at 5.30 & 9.15, today only, the world celebrated Polish musician, Lambert Bi-Bo and his…
Last time today, Pauline Starke in 'Salvation Nell.' Sunday, Jack Hoxie in 'Men in the Raw' and Reg. Denny in round 14 of 'Leather Pushers.'
Last time today, Pauline Stark [sic] in 'Salvation Nell.' Sunday, Jack Hoxie in 'Men in the Raw' and Reg. Denny, round 14 of 'The Leather Pushers.'