A History Of Film Exhibition And Reception In Colonial Hong Kong: 1897 To 1925
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8
Headline: Close-ups
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1923-06-16
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1924-06-27 - 1924-06-29

Commencing 27th to 30th June at 5.15 & 9.15 p.m., a Gasnier production, Gaston Glass and Ruth Clifford in 'Mothers-in-Law.' At 2.30 & 7.15 p.m., 'Bride 13,' epis. 14 & 15. June 28 Remarks: On page 5, another ad. on Mothers-in-Law' only. Illustration included…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1924-06-27

From today till Monday, Queen's Theatre will be screening 'Mothers-in-Law' at the 5:15 and 9:15 performances. The film will satisfy not only those who see it as a diversion from routine life but also those who perceive the moral of the story and measure its influence on human…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1924-06-27

Laughs and probably a tear or two will be provided when Gasnier's 'Mother-in-Law' [sic] is shown here. It is not, as some may think, a burlesque on that much-maligned relative, but an effort to prove that she is just as much a mother as a mother by birth, with an additional child…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1924-06-27 - 1924-07-01

Commencing 27th to 30th June at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., a Gasnier production with Gaston Glass and Ruth Clifford in 'Mothers-in-Law.' At 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., 'Bride 13' episodes 14 and 15.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1924-06-28

Captain [sic] acting and sympathetic treatment of the respective parts seemed to be the keynote of what was shown by the stars in 'Mothers-in-Law' which opened at the Queen's Theatre last night. This Gasnier served a double purpose. Firstly, there were members of the audience who…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1924-07-01 - 1924-07-01

Today only at 5.15 & 9.15 p.m., a Gasnier production with Gaston Glass and Ruth Clifford in 'Mothers-in-Law.' At 2.30 & 7.15 p.m., 'Bride 13,' epis. 14 & 15.

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1924-07-01 - 1924-07-01

Today only at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., a Gasnier production with Gaston Glass and Ruth Clifford in 'Mothers-in-Law,' a story of a wife who forgot and of a mother who made her remember. At 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., 'Bride 13' episodes 14 and 15.