Today to Wednesday, Metro Pictures Corporation presents Mae Murry and Creighton Hale in 'Fascination' in eight parts. Also 'Vodavil' No. 7. March 25 remarks: Buster Keaton in 'Three Ages' 6 parts.
Last shows today at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15 p.m., Mae Murray and Creighton Hale in 'Fascination,' a Tiffany production in 8 parts. Tomorrow, March 26th, an all-comedy programme, Buster Keaton in 'Three Ages' in 6 parts.
Last shows today at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15 p.m., Mae Murray and Creighton Hale in 'Fascination,' a Tiffany production in 8 parts. Tomorrow March 26th, Buster Keaton in 'Three Ages.'
Today till Saturday, Metro Pictures Corp. presents Buster Keaton in 'Three Ages.' Also, 'Be Reasonable,' a new Mack Sennett comedy in 2 parts. March 28 remarks: March 30th, First National Pictures present 'The Rosary.'
Margaret Leahy, who plays opposite Buster Keaton in Metro feature comedy, 'Three Ages,' which comes to the Queen's Theatre today. Other cast included Wallace Beery, Joe Roberts, Lillian Lawrence and Horace 'Cupid' Morgan. The film is directed by Buster Keaton and Eddie…
Today till Saturday, March 26 to 28 at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15 p.m., an all-comedy programme, Metro Pictures Corp. presents Buster Keaton in 'Three Ages.' Also 'Be Reasonable,' a new Mack Sennett comedy in 2 parts. Prices of admission: at 5.15 p.m., $1.20, $1.00 and 60…
Today at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15, Buster Keaton in 'Three Ages,' the frozen faced comedian's first six-reel comedy feature. Illustration included.
Three Ages,' Buster Keaton's first full-length feature, comes to the Queen's Theatre today. Keaton has deserted the two-reel slap-stick comedies, and will henceforth star in comedies of feature attraction. 'Three Ages' is classed as a burlesque on love, marriage and…
Today till Saturday, March 26-29 at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15 p.m., an all-comedy programme, Metro Pictures Corp. presents Buster Keaton in 'Three Ages.' Also 'Be Reasonable,' a new Mack Sennett comedy. Prices of admission: at 5.15, $1.20, $1.00 and 60 cents; 9.15, $1.50, $1.…
Today at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15 p.m., Buster Keaton in 'Three Ages.' Illustration included.
Queen's Theatre is now showing the first feature-length comedy entitled 'Three Ages' featuring Buster Keaton. The film includes a scene of Colosseum whose set cost a huge sum. The cast includes Margaret Leahy, Wallace Beery as the villain, Joe Roberts, Lillian Lawrence and Horace…
The first feature-length comedy, 'Three Ages,' to be made with Buster Keaton as the star, is the best work of this ingenious young comedian. 'Three Ages,' now playing at the Queen's Theatre, is replete with laughs and thrills and establishes Keaton permanently in big…
Buster Keaton feature comedy, 'Three Ages,' is being shown at Queen's Theatre. Other cast included Margaret Leahy and Wallace Beery. The film is directed by Buster Keaton and Eddie Cline, from the story of Jean Havez, Joe Mitchell and Clyde Bruckman. Film plot included.
Today at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15, tomorrow last shows at 6.00, 7.15 and 9.15 p.m., a cyclone of laughs and thrills, Buster Keaton in his first feature comedy, 'Three Ages,' six smashing reels of fun and thrills. Also 'Be Reasonable,' a Mack Sennett hilarious comedy in 2…
Today at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15, tomorrow positively last shows at 6.00, 7.15 and 9.15, Joseph M. Schenck presents Buster Keaton in the 6-part feature, 'Three Ages,' featuring Margaret Leahy, Wallace Beery, Joe Roberts, Lillian Lawrence, Horace (‘Cupid') Morgan, directed by…
The 'grandeur that was Rome' lives again at the Queen's Theatre, where Buster Keaton's first full-length feature comedy, 'Three Ages,' is being shown. Keaton is supported by Margaret Leahy and Wallace Beery among others of an able cast. 'Three Ages' is a…
Today at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15 p.m., tomorrow last shows at 6, 7.15 and 9.15, Buster Keaton in 'Three Ages.' Also 'Be Reasonable,' a Mack Sennett hilarious comedy in 2 parts. Monday, March 30th, First National Pictures presents 'The Rosary.'
Today at 9.15 p.m., tomorrow Saturday at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Carter the magician and his company of talented entertainers. See and hear Miss Evelyn Maxwell. Prices: $3, $2, $1 and 50 cents. Tel. C. 4636. At 2.30, 5.15 and 7.15 p.m., Viola Dana and Milton Sills in 'Dangerous to Men.'…
Today April 25th at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., tomorrow Sunday, April 26th 9.15 p.m., a full 2 ½ hours performance, Carter the magician and his coy of talented entertainers. See and hear Miss Evelyn Maxwell. Prices $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 and 50 cents. Booking at the Theatre. Telephone Central 4636. Today…
Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., tomorrow (Sunday) at 9.15 p.m., a full 2 ½ hours performance, Carter, the magician and his company of talented entertainers. See and hear Miss Evelyn Maxwell. Prices: $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 and 50 cents. Booking at the theatre. Tel. C. 4636. Today at 2.30 and 7.15 p.m…