Films screenings including 'The Sheriff's Daughter', 'Wild Wales', 'Training Fighting Cocks', 'The Beloved Vagabond' and 'The Savage'; Also screening of News of The Day by Pathe Gazette; Performance by Miss Violet Bonetta; 7.15 p.m. pictures…
A Pathe-colored American drama, 'The Sheriff's Daughter.' Other pictures including 'Wild Wales' and 'Training Fighting Cocks.' The comic, 'The Savage.' The drama, 'The Beloved Vagabond.' Pathe gazette included. Performance by Miss Violet…
9.15 Programme: Fine Pathe-color American drama, 'The Sheriff's Daughter,' 'Wild Wales' (a beautiful scenic), 'The Savage' (comic), 'Training Fighting Cocks' (interest), 'The Beloved Vagabond' (drama), and News of the World (Pathe Gazette);…
Pathe's coloured play, 'The Beloved Vagabond,' on Tuesday, 23rd May, 1916. Pathe's British gazette included. Performances by Humphrey Bishop and his London star artists. 'Paddy's Heroism' [sic] is coming.
Film screening of 'The Beloved Vagabond'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette; Performance by Humphrey Bishop and his London Star artists; Coming film: 'Paddy's Heroism'
Up to the 25th inst. Pathe's most beautiful coloured picture in four parts, entitled 'The beloved Vagabond,' adapted from the famous work of William J. Locke, will be screened at the Victoria Theatre.
His Excellency the Governor and a party of ten attended the Victoria Theatre. Performance by the Humphrey Bishop Company, Miss Nora Noon and Mr. Stanley Vilven. 'The Beloved Vagabond' and two of Pathe's Gazettes on the screen were thoroughly enjoyed.
The large audience at the Victoria Theatre thoroughly enjoyed the programme. The Humphrey Bishop Company and Miss Sybil Keymer were well appreciated. 'The Beloved Vagabond' was well screened.
For two nights only, 'The Beloved Vagabond.' Matinee at 5.15 p.m., Constance Talmadge in 'Up the Road with Sallie.'
For two nights only, 'The Beloved Vagabond.' Matinee: Constance Talmadge in 'Up the Road with Sallie.' January 28 remarks: 'The Beloved Vagabond,' Harold Lloyd in 'Him and the Others.' Booking at Anderson's.
For two nights only, 'The Beloved Vagabond.' Matinee at 5.15 p.m., Constance Talmadge in 'Up the Road with Sallie.' January 28 Remarks: Ad. on 'The Beloved Vagabond,' also Harold Lloyd in 'Him and the Others.'
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., 'The Beloved Vagabond.' Also Harold Lloyd in 'Him and the Others' [sic]. Booking at Anderson's.
Tonight at 9.15 p.m., Gladys Hulette in 'Miss Nobody.' Also Max Linder in 'Max Should Wear Braces.' Matinee at 5.15 p.m., 'The Beloved Vagabond.' Booking at Anderson's.
One of the principal pictures at the Victoria Theatre this week was 'The Beloved Vagabond.' There was also showing 'Him and the Others,' featuring Harold Lloyd. A comedy, 'Mama's Boy' also proved a great attraction. It is with regret that we notice the rapid…
Tonight 9.15 p.m., Gladys Hulette in 'Miss Nobody' and Max Linder in 'Max Should Wear Braces.' January 29 Remarks: Matinee at 5.15 p.m., 'The Beloved Vagabond.' Booking at Anderson's.