Souvenir tickets - no blanks. Each ticket entitled to a prize. Gold watches, toys, perfumes, confectionery etc. Manila Vaudeville Co. and Mary Philbin, the 'Merry-Go-Round' Girl in 'Fools Highway,' a Universal-Jewel De Luxe.
Thursday and Friday, January 29th and 30th at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., a new programme by Manila Vaudeville Company and Thursday, January 29th at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Dorothy Dalton in 'The Law of the Lawless,' better than 'The Covered Wagon.' Friday, January 30th at 5.15 and 9.15…
Today special children's matinee at 2.30 p.m., souvenir tickets, no blanks. Each ticket entitled to a prize: gold watches, toys, perfumes, confectionery etc. Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Manila Vaudeville Co. and Mary Philbin, the 'Merry-Go-Round' girl in 'Fools Highway,…
Commencing today, Queen's Theatre will be screening the new Universal-Jewel production 'Fools' Highway' starring Mary Philbin who is remembered for her role in 'Merry-Go-Round.' The story is adapted from Owen Kildare's famous life-story of the Bowery, 'My…
Fools' Highway,' featuring Mary Philbin, opens at the Queen's Theatre today. It is the adaptation of 'My Mamie Rose,' Owen Kildare's famous story of old Bowery. The Manila Vaudeville Company extending their engagement here.
Today special children's matinee at 2.30 p.m., souvenir tickets, no blanks. Each ticket entitled to a prize. Gold watches, toys, perfumes, confectionery, etc. Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Manila Vaudeville Company and Mary Philbin, the 'Merry-Go-Round' girl in 'Fools Highway…
Commencing today, picture-goers will see at the Queen's Theatre, Mary Philbin's new Universal-Jewel starring vehicle, and her first big role since 'Merry-Go-Round.' The story, 'Fools' Highway,' adapted from Owen Kildare's life-story of the Bowery, 'My…
Queen's Theatre is screening 'The Fool's Highway.' An additional attraction is a new program by the Manila Vaudeville Company.
Pat O' Malley, is pitted against eight men, in one of the sensational screen struggles of the year, ranks with the fight of the blacksmith in 'Birth of a Nation,' and the famous Tom Santschi battle in 'The Spoilers.' It occurs as an amazing climax of 'Fools'…
Today to Monday, the 2nd February at 2.30, 5.15, 7.15 and 9.15 p.m., Mary Philbin, the 'Merry-Go-Round' girl in 'Fools Highway,' a Universal-Jewel deluxe. Also today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Sunday at 9.15 p.m. only, Manila Vaudeville Company. Sunday at 6.00 p.m., 'Fools…
Mary Philbin appears in her first big starring feature for Universal at the Queen's Theatre, where 'Fools Highway,' a spectacular adaptation of Owen Kildare's famous novel 'My Mamie Rose,' opened yesterday for a four days' run. The little Irish who scored a…
Mary Philbin in 'Fool's Highway' a Universal Jewel! Also, Manila Vaudeville Co. Lionel Barrymore in 'The Master Mind,' a First National attraction.
Today only at all shows, Mary Philbin in 'Fools Highway,' a Universal-Jewel. Also at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Manila Vaudeville Company. Tomorrow at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Lionel Barrymore in 'The Master Mind,' a First National attraction.
Today only at all shows, Mary Philbin in 'Fools Highway,' a Universal-Jewel production. Also at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Manila Vaudeville Co. Tomorrow at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Lionel Barrymore in 'The Master Mind,' a First National attraction.
World Theatre will be screening the Universal production 'The Gaiety Girl.' The film is the screen version of I. A. R. Wylie's 'The Inheritors.' The film features Mary Philbin who is famous for her work in productions like 'Merry-Go-Round,' 'Fool's…
The romantic love story is the play in which Mary Philbin is at her very best.' This statement, by King Baggot, seems borne out in her three biggest successes of the screen; 'Merry-Go-Round,' 'Fool's Highway,' and her last 'The Gaiety Girl,' Universal…