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Headline: The Star
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1925-02-26 - 1925-02-28
Another big show at the Star. 3 attractions: Jack Dempsey in 'Fight and Win,' William Desmond in 'The Measure of a Man' and The Waan Kaau, Troupe of Chinese acrobats. February 28 remarks: Sunday, Barbara Lamarr in 'Poor Men's Wives.'
Headline: The Star
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1925-02-26 - 1925-02-28
Thursday to Saturday, February 26 to 28, at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., 3 big attraction: Jack Dempsey in 'Fight and Win'; William Desmond in 'The Measure of a Man'; 'The Waan Kaau,' troupe of Chinese acrobats 14 versatile performers. Usual prices.
Headline: Another Big Show at the Star
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1925-02-26 - 1925-02-28
Tonight till Saturday, three attractions: Jack Dempsey in 'Fight and Win'; William Desmond in 'The Measure of a Man'; The Waan Kaau Troupe of Chinese acrobats.