On Jan 8, the magnificent photoplay serial in 20 episodes: 1st and 2nd episodes of 'The Greed'; 'The Boob's Racing Career'; 'Winter Sports; Sleighing, Etc.'; Pathe's British Gazette; on Jan 12, 3rd and 4th episodes of 'Iron Claw.'
At the Victoria Theatre, during the past few nights, the main attraction has been the opening instalments of the new serial: 'The Iron Claw,' a piece which furnishes thrills and sensations without stint. The new war pictures and Pathe Gazette are quite up to their usual good standard,…
On Jan 16, 3rd and 4th episodes of 'The Greed,' all should see this beautiful photoplay; interesting: Pathe's British Gazette, 'Making a Great Newspapar'; comic: 'Mother in Law's Return,' 'Home Breaking Hound' (Keystone), and 'Mary Jane Does…
Very crowded houses have again ruled at the Victoria during the past few nights, and 'The Iron Claw' serial bids fair to be fully as popular as its predecessors of the same class. The Victoria has also been offering a new Pathe Gazette, which contains some very striking features; as…
On Jan 23, 5th and 6th episodes of 'The Greed,' a magnificent photoplay; Pathe's Gazette; comic and interesting films.
The current programme at the Victoria contains abundance of interesting matter. There are two fresh episodes of the serial 'Greed,' a Pathe Gazette, a splendid Max Linder picture and a variety of comics. Tomorrow, night there will be a change of programme.
On Jan 29, 7th and 8th episodes of 'The Greed'; 'The Great War'; Pathe's British Gazette; 'Customs of the Anamese'; comics: 'The Bear Skin [sic]'; 'A Vague Suspicion'; on Feb 1, the magnificent drama 'The Daughter of the People' in…
On Jan 29, 7th and 8th episodes of 'Greed'; 'The Great War'; Pathe's British Gazette; 'Customs of the Anamese'; comics: 'The Bearskin' and 'A Vague Suspicion'; on Feb 1, the magnificent drama 'The Daughter of the People' in 5 parts…
Last night at the Victoria Theatre, there was a good attendance for the new programme. This included some excellent war pictures, a most interesting descriptive film dealing with the manners and customs of the Annamites, a couple of comedies, and the 7th and 8th episodes of the popular film…
On Feb 6, the magnificent photoplay 'Greed,' 9th and 10th episodes; Pathe's British Gazette and various comic films; on Feb 8 and for one night only, the magnificent war drama 'Business as Usual' in 3 parts.
On Feb 13, the magnificent photoplay, 11th and 12th episodes of 'Greed'; Pathe's Gazette and various comics.
On Feb 20, 13th and 14th episodes of 'Greed'; on Feb 22, 'Father John' in 3 parts; on Feb 23, 'Via Wireless.'
Iron Claw' had to be interrupted owing to unavoidable delay. 'Greed' is still proceeding. New War pictures together with some good comics made a good programme. 'Via Wireless' will be screened from Friday, adapted from the play by Winchell Smith and Paul Armstrong,…
On Mar 6, 17th and 18th episodes of 'Greed'; 'The Great War' and various comics; on Mar 8, 2nd episode of 'Two Little Vagabonds.'
Screening of 'Greed' (17th & 18th episodes), The Great War and Various Comics; Coming film: 'Two Little Vagabonds'
On Mar 15, the final episode of 'Greed'; 'Pathe's Gazette,' 'War Pictures'; comics: Chaplin, & Keystone; on Mar 16, 'Salombo,' sequel to 'Quo Vadis,' don't miss this great film.
Screening of 'Greed' (the final episode), Pathe's Gazette, War Pictures, Comics, Chaplin and Keystone; Coming film: 'Salomba' sequel to 'Quo Vadis'
Tonight: Screening of 'Greed' (the final episode), Pathe's Gazette, War Pictures, Comics, Chaplin and Keystone; Coming film: 'Salomba' sequel to 'Quo Vadis'
The programme at the Victoria Theatre includes the final episodes of a splendid serial film 'Greed.' Two other pictures. 'American News' and 'The coveted Heritage' were shown and the humourous films are well worth seeing.
The concluding episode of the popular American serial 'Greed' is now being given at the Victoria Theatre, and with it a new three-part Pathe picture 'The Coveted Heritage.' tomorrow night, a film version of 'Salambo' will be screened.