Thursday, June 1st to Friday, June 2nd at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., 'Jane Goes A' Wooing.' 5.30 and 9.15 performances, 'Jane Goes A' Wooing.' At 7.15 performance, the serial picture, 'The Great Radium Mystery' 1st and 2nd episodes. On Saturday June 3rd, George…
Thursday, June 1st to Friday, June 2nd at 5.30 & 9.15 p.m., Paramount's 'Jane Goes A' Wooing' featuring Vivian Martin, 'Welcome Little Stranger,' and Paramount Graphic. At 7.15 p.m., the serial picture, 'The Great Radium Mystery,' 1st & 2nd…
Thursday, June 1st to Friday, June 2nd at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., 'Jane Goes A' Wooing,' featuring Vivian Martin. Today, 7.15 p.m., the serial picture, 'The Great Radium Mystery,' 1st and 2nd episodes. Saturday, 3rd June, Georges Carpentier in 'The Wonder Man.'…
Kowloon's newly built Star Theatre had its first audience last evening. The guests were welcomed by the proprietor Mr. Lee Yue-cheong and the manager Mr. Gonzalez de Bernedo. Moreover, the new Theatre also screened two films, the principal one being 'Jane Goes A-Wooing' featuring…