The best show in Hongkong tonight, where no disappointment awaits you! Emily Stevens in 'The Wager.' Also Billy West in 'The Slave' and British Gazette No. 564-5. Usual prices. Booking at Robinson's.
The Wager,' the production is in Metro's well-known style. October 18 remarks: Emily Stevens in 'The Wager.' Billy West in 'The Slave.' British Gazette No. 564-5. Booking at Robinson's.
Emily Stevens in 'The Wager.' Also Billy West in 'The Slave' and British Gazette No. 564-5. Usual prices. Booking at Robinson's. October 18 Remarks: On page 5, another ad. on 'The Wager,' the production in Metro's well-known style,
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Anita Stewart in 'The Combat.' Usual prices. Booking at the theatre. Next change of programme, Valeska Suratt in 'The Slave.'
The new programme for this week in Hongkong Theatre has just been issued in which the Vitagraph Co. presents the thrilling drama, 'The Combat,' in five parts, featuring the popular actress Anita Stewart. William Fox's production 'The Slave' in five parts, starring Miss…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Anita Stewart in 'The Combat.' Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre. December 11 & 12 Remarks: Next change of programme, Valeska Suratt in 'The Slave.'
Two magnificent pictures are being shown this week. 'The Combat,' is a splendid drama presented by the Vitograph [sic] Company in five parts, featuring Anita Stewart. In addition, William Fox's excellent production 'The Slave,' also in five parts, will be screened on…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., the favourite star which you liked to see in 'The New York Peacock,' Valeska Suratt in William Fox western drama, 'The Slave.' Usual prices. Booking at the theatre.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., 'The New York Peacock.' Valeska Suratt in William Fox Western drama, 'The Slave.' Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre.
Mr. Rudolph Andre from Honolulu will give an exhibition on the Hawaiian steel guitar during the performance of 9.15 p.m. from today, Tuesday 16th December. Also Valeska Surratt in 'The Slave.' Usual prices. Booking at the Theatre.
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Valeska Suratt in 'The Slave.' At 9.15 p.m. tonight, Mr. Rudolph Andre of Honolulu will give an exhibition on the Hawaiian steel guitar during the performance.
Has the time come yet for a continuous performance theatre in Hongkong, similar to those in all the big cities of Europe and America? We wish to find out! On Wednesday, therefore, from 2.30 to 11.30 p.m., there will be a continuous performance. Tea and cakes will be served free to everyone…
There will be a continuous performance. Charlotte in 'The Frozen Warning,' Emily Stevens in 'The Wager,' Madame Petrova in 'Extravagance,' Harold Lockwood in 'The Haunted Pyjamas,' 'Sporting Life,' Norma Talmadge in 'Panthea,' Emmy…