Tonight's programme, Frederick Warde in 'Hinton's Double.' Also 'Toto's Trouble,' always trouble about girls. Thursday and Friday matinee at 5.15 p.m., 'The Bull's Eye' episodes 3, 4 and 5. Booking at Anderson's.
Tonight programme, Frederick Warde in 'Hinton's Double.' 'Toto's Troubles' always trouble about Girls. Matinee 'The Bull's Eye,' episodes 3, 4 & 5. Booking at Anderson's.
The Victoria continues to show good pictures, including the Pathe film and three episodes of 'The Bull's Eye.' 'Hinton's Double' with Frederick Ward [sic] in the title role, is the feature for tonight's show.
At the Victoria Theatre this afternoon, the management is screening episodes 3, 4 and 5 of 'The Bull's Eye,' which has been drawing crowded houses. There will be another matinee tomorrow. The reason for this new departure is that a very fine and stupendous serial, featuring Pearl…
The Victoria Theatre is about to put on a stupendous serial; but as they are already engaged in screening 'The Bull's Eye,' the management is desirous of speeding it up so as to get the new picture. Tonight a new programme is billed with the star picture, 'Hinton's…
Tonight programme, Frederick Ward [sic] in 'Hinton's Double.' 'Toto's Trouble,' always trouble about girls. Thursday and Friday matinee at 5.15 p.m., 'The Bull's Eye,' episodes 3, 4 and 5. Booking at Anderson's. August 16 Remarks: Saturday…
Tonight's programme, 'Hinton's Double' featuring Frederick Warde. Also 'Toto's Trouble.' Saturday's matinee at 2.15 and 5 p.m., the 6th, 7th and 8th episodes of 'The Bull's Eye.' Sunday's matinee, 'Candy Girl.' Booking at…
Hinton's Double' featuring Frederick Warde. 'Toto's Troubles.' Matinee: 'The Bull's Eye.' Sunday's matinee: 'Candy Girl.' Booking at Anderson's.
Tonight programme, 'A Tortured Heart,' a throbbing William Fox picture featuring Virginia Peterson [sic]. Harold Lloyd comedy 'Next Aisle Over.' Matinee: 'Hinton's Double.' Booking at Anderson's.
Tonight programme, 'A Tortured Heart,' a throbbing William Fox Picture, featuring Miss Virginia Peterson [sic]. Harold Lloyd Comedy, 'Next Aisle Over.' Wednesday's matinee, 'Hinton's Double.' Booking at Anderson's.
Tonight's programme, 'A Tortured Heart,' a throbbing William Fox picture featuring Miss Virginia Pearson. Also Harold Lloyd comedy, 'Next Aisle Over.' Wednesday's matinee, 'Hinton's Double.' Booking at Anderson's.
Tomorrow: 'Hinton's Double,' a capital picture with Frederick Warde in title role. Thursday: 'The Bull's Eye.'
The Victoria Theatre are putting on 'Hinton's Double,' a picture featuring the well-known actor, Frederick Ward [sic], in the title role and which has been a money-maker for the theatre, at the matinee tomorrow. On Thursday at the matinee, the 9th, 10th and 11th episodes of '…
Watch for the opening night of The Bell Vaudeville at the Victoria. February 18 remarks: Richard and Michel, the famous comedy Acrobats. Booking at Anderson's. February 19 remarks: There is a short programme of pictures as well. February 21 remarks: Dick and Jerry in a comic entry. Also,…
Tonight, Richard Bell presents the Bell's Vaudeville. Dick and Jerry in a comic entry. Also 'Hinton's Double' in five intense parts, the novelty acrobatic film of the only and original Hun-Guno troupe of Chinese acrobats. Special matinee on Saturday (21st) at 5 p.m. Booking…