We have a programme tonight that should please you. Firstly, there is charming little Gladys Hulette in 'Over the Hill,' a 5-part Gold Rooster play with an unusually strong story the scene of which is laid in the office of a small country newspaper. And secondly, we have made…
October 14-16. Performance. Gladys Hulette in 'Over the Hill.' Mr. C. Thereses, card manipulator assisted by Mesdames Senour and Gordon.
A large number of people gathered at the Victoria Theatre last night and were treated to such a bright and engaging show that there are no doubt good houses will be the order at this popular place of entertainment during the stay of Mr. M. C. Theresas and his two charming lady helpers. This…
Victoria Theatre was well filled at the opening night of the short variety programme. Artistes appeared and pleased the crowd in addition to a keenly appreciated feature. Performances by M. C. Therese, Mesdames Senour and Gordon. The trio appears again tonight, with an additional feature of…
Tonight, 9.15 performance, Gladys Hulette in 'Over the Hill.' Also, Mr. C. Thereses, the card manipulator assisted by Mesdames Senour and Gordon. Booking at Anderson's.
Mr. C. Thereses with Meadames Senour and Gordon continue to attract appreciative audiences at the Victoria Theatre. Tonight is the last opportunity of enjoying the current attraction. The principal film being screened is 'Over the Hill,' featuring the charming Gladys Hulette.
Emily Stevens, Gladys Hulette, George Walsh, Enid Markey and Mollie King will all be on the Coronet this week, together with the string band of The Empress of Russia, which will be used nightly at 9.15 p.m. to augment, not supersede, our own fine orchestra. Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., last…
Emily Stevens, George Walsh, Gladys Hulette, Enid Markey, Molly [sic] King will all be at the Coronet, together with the string band of 'The Empress of Russia.' The Week's programme: 'Outwitted' featuring Emily Stevens, Gladys Hulette in 'Over the Hill,' George…
Emily Stevens, George Walsh, Molly [sic] King, Gladys Hulette, and Enid Markey will all be on view at the Coronet this week, together with the String Band of 'The Empress of Russia,' which will be used nightly at 9.15 p.m. to augment, not supersede, out own fine orchestra. Tonight at 5…
Tonight, seventh and eighth episodes of 'The Tiger's Trail.' Also comic and British Gazette. Booking at Anderson's. November 26 Remarks: Today's matinee, Bessie Love in 'Carolyn of the Corners.' November 27 Remarks: Today's matinee, Gladys Hulette in…
Tonight, episodes 7 and 8 of 'The Tiger's Trail,' also comics and British Gazette. Today's matinee, Gladys Hulette in 'Over the Hill.' Booking at Anderson's.
For one day only, Gladys Hulette in 'Over the Hill.'
For one day only, Gladys Huleter [sic] in 'Over the Hill.'
A friend who was present yesterday when convicts in Pentonville Prison were given their first kinema show – the film 'Over the Hill' being chosen for its moral – has come away very much moved. Film plot included.
Through a Glass Window,' which was presented at the World Theatre last night, is an excellent show. Little Miss Avoy wins your attention as the plucky little mite. And then there is Raymond Mckee and Fannie Midgely [sic]. All in all, it is a heart interest story which stacks up splendidly…
Lon Chaney in a Universal-Jewel super-production that comes to a climax when a reproduction of the earthquake of 1906 shakes San Francisco into kindling for the great fire, will be the offering at the World Theatre beginning tomorrow. It is entitled 'The Shock.' The sweetness is…