A drama in 3 parts, 'The Long Arm of Coincidence,' on Tuesday, 11th April, 1916. Comedies including 'Kitty's Little Love Affair,' 'Wanted a Mama' and 'Some Nerve' (Keystone comic). An unbeatable programme, Charlie Chaplin 'In the Park' and…
A drama in 3 reels, 'Adventures of a Madcap [sic]' featuring Jackie Saunders on Friday, 14th April, 1916. Comedies including 'Col. Hezza Liar in Mexico,' 'In Jail at Last,' Charlie Chaplin 'In the Park' and Chaplin as 'Janitor' [sic]. Charlie…
Thursday to Sunday, 'The Midnight Stage,' adapted from Sir Henry Irving's historic success, 'The Lyons Mail.' Today's matinee, 'Pearl White as a Detective'; 'A Vow,' an Italian production in 4 parts; Charlie Chaplin in 'The New Janitor.…
The Midnight Stage.' It is a capital picture. June 26 remarks: Charlie Chaplin in 'The New Janitor.' June 28 remarks: 'The Midnight Stage' is a powerful drama adapted from 'The Lyon's Mail' of which Sir Henry Irving built his reputation. 'Hands Up…
Thursday to Sunday, 'The Midnight Stage.' We are showing a fine film entitled 'The Midnight Stage' adapted from Sir Henry Irving's historic success, 'The Lyons Mail.' Today matinee, 'Pearl White as a Detective,' 'A Vow,' an Italian…