Tonight till Sunday, just received from Vitagraph shown first at Kowloon, William Duncan in 'Where Men Are Men' and Larry Semon in 'The Show.'
The Coronet: Doris Keane in 'Romance.' Sun. Feb. 11, 'Trumpet Island.' Kowloon Theatre: Fri. to Sun., Feb. 9-11, William Duncan in 'Where Men Are Men,' and Larry Semon in 'The Show.'
The Coronet: Doris Keane in Romance. Saturday, Feb. 11, Trumpet Island. Kowloon Theatre: Tonight till Sunday, William Duncan in Where Men Are Men and Larry Semon in The Show.
The Coronet: Doris Keane in 'Romance.' Sunday, February 11, 'Trumpet Island.' Kowloon Theatre: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, William Duncan in 'Where Men Are Men' Larry Semon in 'The Show.'
Commencing tomorrow, Clara Kimball Young in 'Mid-Channel.' Also British Gazette, No. 1118/14, 'The Show' (cartoon). Picture or illustration included.