Commencing tomorrow night, Charlie Chaplin in 'Sunnyside.' October 18 remarks: Booking at Anderson's. Matinee: Final episode of 'The Lightning Raider' and Geraldine O'Brien in 'Woman's Fight.' October 20 and 21 remarks: Harold Lloyd in 'Spring…
Saturday and Sunday 9.15 p.m., a grand comedy night, Charlie Chaplin in 'Sunnyside.' Prices: $1.50, $1.00 and 70 cents. Booking at Anderson's. October 18 Remarks: Today's matinee, 3.15 and 5 p.m., final episode of 'The Lightning Raider.' Sunday's matinee, Miss…
Monday and Tuesday at 9.15 p.m., now drawing packed houses, a grand comedy night, Charlie Chaplin in his third million-dollar comedy, 'Sunnyside.' Also Harold Lloyd in 'Spring Fever' and News Budget. Prices: $1.50, $1.00 and 70 cents. Booking at Anderson's. October 22…
The Charlie Chaplin picture 'Sunnyside' was screened at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday. The programme was particularly attractive, with a series of up-to-date news budgets and another fine comedy entitled 'Spring Fever.'