Charlie Chaplin is soon to make his appearance in Hong Kong with the picture 'Tilly's Punctured Romance.' Mabel Normand is at her best in one of the leading parts, supported by Mike Newman. Features to be shown 'The Victoria Cross' from London Cosmo Company, 'The…
On Oct 4, a grand benefit concert; pictures: 'The Victoria Cross' in 4 parts; a drama of the present war, 'A Soldier's Honour,' Pathe's Gazette, showing scenes in which the late Lord Kitchener appears; performance by artists.
Coming Grand Benefit Concert in aid of the Lord Kitchener Memorial Fund; Screening of 'The Victoria Cross', 'A Soldier's Honour', Pathe's Gazette (with late Lord Kitcheners); Performance by Miss C. Castro, Miss Irene Beryl, Mr MacKay and Mr Charlie together with the…
On Oct 4, a grand benefit concert; pictures: 'The Victoria Cross' in 4 parts; a drama of the present war, 'A Soldier's Honour,' Pathe's Gazette, showing scenes in which the late Lord Kitchener appears; performance by artists.
Coming Grand Benefit Concert in aid of the Lord Kitchener Memorial Fund; Screening of 'The Victoria Cross', 'A Soldier's Honour', Pathe's Gazette (with late Lord Kitcheners); Performance by Miss C. Castro, Miss Irene Beryl, Mr MacKay and Mr Charlie together with the…
Grand Benefit Concert in aid of the Lord Kitchener Memorial Fund; Screening of 'The Victoria Cross', 'A Soldier's Honour', Pathe's Gazette (with late Lord Kitcheners); Performance by Miss C. Castro, Miss Irene Beryl, Mr MacKay and Mr Charlie together with the Venus…
The programme arranged for the concert in aid of the Lord Kichener Memorial Fund promises well. Local talent figures on the programme. Members of the Venus Amateur Dramatic Club will appear and war drama 'c' will be screened. Performance by 'Charlie' of the 'What nots,…
There was a large attendance at the Victoria Theatre at a benefit concert in aid of the Lord Kichener Memorial Fund. All items were greatly enjoyed and several pictures including the 'The Victoria Cross' were shown. Performance by Mr. Hatton, Messrs King and Gray, Mr. T. W. Mackay,…