Tonight at 9.15, the great boxing film Jack Johnson vs Jim Flynn in 9 rounds, also a fine selection of comic pictures; the dramatic picture 'The Black Circle' in 3 parts on May 15; 'The Three Musketeers' for one week only, from the famous novel by Dumas, the greatest critics…
Screening of a Boxing film 'Jack Johnson vs Jim Flynn'; Coming film: 'The Black Circle' (3 parts) and 'The Three Musketeers' (10 parts, 12,000 ft), founded on the novel by Alexandre Dumas
Films screening of 'The Black Circle' (3 parts), the latest Gaumont Graphic and some Comic Pictures; Coming film: 'The Three Musketeets' (10 parts)
Tonight at 9.15, the dramatic picture 'The Black Circle' (in 3 parts), the latest Gaumont Graphic and some exceedingly comic pictures; the greatest picture ever screened in the annals of cinematography 'The Three Musketeers' will be exhibited on May 18 at 9 p.m. and for 7…
Films screenings including 'The Black Circle' (3 parts) and 'Deserted' (2 parts)
Tonight, the powerful dramas 'The Black Circle' in 3 parts; 'Deserted' in 2 parts.