A History Of Film Exhibition And Reception In Colonial Hong Kong: 1897 To 1925
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Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1918-12-23 - 1918-12-25

23rd, 24th and 25th December, Annals of the War No. 53; 'Fortune Hunters,' a splendid coloured photoplay with Mlle. Robinne in the leading role; Mlle Paola in her latest English and French songs; 'The Social Pirates.' Watch for Monday's programme. Booking at Anderson…

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1918-12-23 - 1918-12-24

December 23-25. Annals of the War No.53. 'Fortune Hunters,' a splendid photoplay with Mlle. Robinne in the leading role. Mlle. Paola in her latest English and French songs. 'The Social Pirates.' Booking at Anderson's.

Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1918-12-23

A grand display of toys, sweets, and a Christmas tree is to take place in the Victoria Theatre on behalf of the children on Christmas Day, at a special matinee at 4 p.m., when a selected film 'The Fortune Hunters' (of 4,500 ft. in 3 parts) will be screened in which the celebrated…

Headline: The Victoria
Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1919-10-11 - 1919-10-14

Tonight, Frank Keenan in 'Todd of the Times,' a fine comedy drama in five acts. Also Harold Lloyd in 'Billy Blazes, Esq.' October 11 Remarks: Matinees: today (2.15 and 5 p.m.), 'Lightning Raider' episodes 13 and 14; tomorrow, 'Fortune Hunters.' October 13…

Headline: The Victoria
Newspaper Source: Hong Kong Telegraph
Publication Date: 1919-10-11 - 1919-10-14

Tonight, Frank Keenan in 'Todd of the Times,' a fine comedy drama in five acts. Harold Lloyd in 'Billy Blazes, Esq.' Matinee: 'Lightning Raider' and 'Fortune Hunters.' October 13 remarks: William Fox corporation presents Nance O'Neil in 'Princess…

Newspaper Source: South China Morning Post
Publication Date: 1919-10-11

The programme the Victoria Theatre management is presenting tonight is very attractive. Frank Keenan, America's greatest character actor, will be seen in 'Todd of the Times.' The British Gazette is full of vivid pictures. 'Billy Blazes, Esqr.' [sic] featuring Harold…

Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1919-10-11 - 1919-10-14

Tonight, Frank Keenan in 'Todd of the Times,' a fine comedy-drama in five acts. Harold Lloyd in 'Billy Blazes, Esq.' October 11 Remarks: Matinees: Today 2.15 and 5, 'Lightning Raider' episodes 13 and 14; tomorrow, 'Fortune Hunters.' October 13 Remarks:…