Next Wednesday, World Theatre is going to screen 'Atlantide,' in 12 reels. With perfect staging and scenery, the film promises to be highly engaging, full of mystery and fascination.
Atlantide' will be the main attraction at the World Theatre starting from Wednesday. Film plot included.
Wednesday 4th to Saturday 7th, April, 9 a.m. only, Stasia Naperkovska [sic] in 'Atlantide' (The Queen of Atlantis) in 12 parts. Prices: $1.50 and $1.00. Soldiers and sailors in uniform only half-price to stalls. 5.15 p.m., Universal special attraction, Carmel Myers in 'The Mad…
Tonight 9 p.m., 'Atlantide' (The Queen of Atlantis) featuring Stasia Naperkovska [sic]. Picture or illustration included.
Tonight, last show, Stasia Naperkovska [sic] in 'Atlantide' (The Queen of Atlantis).
9.15 p.m. show only, 'Atlantide,' The Queen of Atlantis. Ordinary price. August 25 Remarks: Picture included.
Wednesday 22ned to Saturday 25th August, 5.15 p.m. matinee, Robertson-Cole special, Bessie Barriscale in 'Life's Twist.' 9.15 p.m. show, Pathe Orient presents 'Atlantide' in 12 parts. Booking at the Theatre.