A packed house witnessed the performance at the Bijou Theatre on Saturday evening. The films shown by the biorama were exceptionally good, and two especially were about the test we have seen in Hongkong. We refer to 'The Use of the Lasso on the Plains of Celebes' and the 'East of…
The programme at the above popular hall was entirely changed on Saturday night when a good audience assembled for the nine o'clock performance. The biorama exhibited splendid pictures. Mr. Stephenson, A. Collins, Mr. Elliott's performances were good.
Cinematograph and vaudeville every evening at 7 and 9 p.m.; Performance by Miss Vera Ferrace, Miss Ruby Crystal and the Biorama; Price details included
There was a complete change of programme on Saturday in the Bijou. Performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Chrystal. The biorama was an interesting one, especially the grand opera 'Carmen,' and the funny picture 'Double sight,' represented by the well-known Max Linder…
The Great Championship Fight - Nelson v. Hyland, from this date at 5.30 and 7 p.m.; Tonight 9.15 p.m., a complete change of programme and pictures; performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Crystal. The Biorama: 'Carmen,' 'Seal Hunting off Tasmania,' 'Double Sight…
Tonight 9.15 p.m., a complete change of programme and pictures; performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Crystal. The Biorama: 'Carmen,' 'An Unlucky Picture,' 'A Mill Stone Quarry,' 'Octavius'(comic), 'Seal Hunting off Tasmania,' '…
Performances by Miss May Maxwell, the balladist, Miss Grace Vyeene, serio and dancer, Miss Vera Ferrace, the comedienne and Mr. Bob Stephenson, the humorist; and also 'The Biormara .'
Performers: Miss May Maxwell, Miss Grace Vyveene, Miss Vera Ferrace, Mr. R. H. Stephenson; and The Biorama
The proprietors of the Bijou Cinematograph Theatre are nightly providing some very excellent fare for their many patrons, including some beautifully clear photographs of the Hongkong coronation decorations. The Biorama pictures are also exceedingly clear and distinct, some of the comic ones…
The programme for tonight at the Bijou is an attractive one and consists of a very fine medley by Viola and Lilian, while Shakespeare's famous drama 'Romeo and Juliet,' Pathe Freres' masterpiece of coloured art cinematography, will be produced on the Biorama. This complete…
The Bijou Scenic Theatre is offering great attractions in its latest programmes. The biorama pictures are exceedingly good. Performance by Miss Lilian Price.