Tonight: 'Black Box Mystery' in 2 episodes and Charlie Chaplin by request; Coming film: 'The Avenging Sea Drama', 'Droppington's Devilish Deed' (Keystone), 'Snaring of Wiffles'
Screening of 'The Great Detective Film', 'The Blue Diamond' (4th episode), 'Black Box Mystery'; Comics: 'Professor's Experiments', 'Poor Policy', 'Three Mother in Laws', 'Billy Boy's Bad Tip'; and Pathe's…
Performance by Dr. Rowe and Mora; Screening of 'Nat Pinkerton', 'Black Box Mystery' (5th episode), Pathe's British Gazette: 'The Great War (In the Island of Corfu)' , 'The Kaisers Property in the hand of the Allies' and 'The Great War (The Prince…
Tonight: Performance by Dr. Rowe and Mora; Screening of 'Nat Pinkerton', 'Black Box Mystery' (5th episode), Pathe's British Gazette: 'The Great War (In the Island of Corfu)' , 'The Kaisers Property in the hand of the Allies' and 'The Great War (…
Screening of 'Black Box Mystery', Comics: 'Wiffles and the Tell Tale Screen', 'Wilful Peggy', 'Dad's Boy', 'Emder of Nets' and 'Flowers under the Cines Magic Wand'; Performance by Dr. Rowe and Mora
Tonight: Screening of 'Black Box Mystery', Comics: 'Wiffles and the Tell Tale Screen', 'Wilful Peggy', 'Dad's Boy', 'Emder of Nets' and 'Flowers under the Cines Magic Wand'; Performance by Dr. Rowe and Mora
Screening of 'Black Box Mystery' (7th and 8th Episodes), The Great War (Pathe's Gazette), Comics: 'John Bunny', 'Keystones', etc.; Coming grand band & comedy night
Tonight: Screening of 'Black Box Mystery' (7th and 8th Episodes), The Great War (Pathe's Gazette), Comics: 'John Bunny', 'Keystones', etc.; Coming grand band & comedy night
Screening of 'Black Box Mystery' (9th & 10th episode), The Great War (Pathe's British Gazette), Comics: 'The Aunt That Wasn't', 'The Frail Vessel' and 'Baby Day'; Coming variety concert by the crew of H.M.S. Venus
Tonight: Screening of 'Black Box Mystery' (9th & 10th episode), The Great War (Pathe's British Gazette), Comics: 'The Aunt That Wasn't', 'The Frail Vessel' and 'Baby Day'; Coming variety concert by the crew of H.M.S. Venus
Screening of 'Black Box Mystery' (11th & 12th episodes), 'The Great War' (Pathe's British Gazette), Keystone and other comics; Coming Grand Naval Variety Night
Screening of 'Black Box Mystery' (13th, 14th and 15th Episodes), 'Great War in the Trenches' (Pathe's British Gazette); 'Amateur Night' (Pathe's Comic), 'Wiffles and the Two Typists', 'Detective Snab and the Black Pearl'
Tonight: Screening of 'Black Box Mystery' (13th, 14th and 15th Episodes), 'Great War in the Trenches' (Pathe's British Gazette); 'Amateur Night' (Pathe's Comic), 'Wiffles and the Two Typists', 'Detective Snab and the Black Pearl'