As will be seen from our advertising columns, a projectoscope exhibition will be given in the City Hall at an early date. This particular exhibition is spoken of very highly in Shanghai, and as it has pictures of the Coronation processions it should attract appreciative audiences.
The public will have an opportunity of seeing one of Edison's latest inventions in the City Hall. The principal feature of the entertainment will be the new 20th-century projectoscope, the latest development of the cinematograph and bioscope, and an immense improvement upon anything that…
It is always more pleasant to praise than to condemn, but the pleasure is not always possible. Quite a large percentage of the last night's audience in the Theatre Royal were disappointed. Either the 'projectoscope' or its operator was at fault. The pictures jerked into all sorts…
An exceedingly good Bioscope entertainment is that which is being given by Mr. T. J. Stevenson at the Theatre Royal. The coronation pictures are exceedingly good. The news described some scenes of the films.