From Feb 28 to Mar 2, showing two magnificent dramas, 'Flying for Fortune' [sic] in 3 parts and 'Amid Racing Beast' in 3 parts; also Keystone comics; on Mar 3, see 1st and 2nd episodes of 'Goddess.'
Screening of 'Flying For Fortune', 'Amid Raging Beasts' and Keystone Comics; Coming film: 'Goddess'
Tonight: Screening of 'Flying For Fortune', 'Amid Raging Beasts' and Keystone Comics; Coming film: 'Goddess'
A matinee is given and 'Life of Christ,' 'Exodus,' 'Goddess' were shown at Hongkong Theatre.
The Hong Kong Theatre offers a fresh martial film 'Terence O' Rourke' [sic], the first episode having been given last night. The 'Goddess' and 'Peg o' the Ring' have been delayed.
The manager of Hongkong Theatre has procured another serial film 'Goddess' and 'Peg o' the Ring' and 'Terence O. Rourke.'
Tonight: Screening of 'Same Old History' and 'Crucible of Fate'; Coming film: 'Goddess'
Screening of 'Goddess' (last episode) and 'Adventures of Capt. Berwick' for 4 nights
Screening of 'Goddess' (last episode) and 'Adventures of Capt. Berwick' for 2 nights
Last night of screening 'Goddess' (last episode) and 'Adventures of Capt. Berwick'