Films screenings including 'Wiffles Had a Lucky Escape' (2 parts, 3,500 ft) and 'A Woman of Janpan'; Screening of Pathe's German and International Gazette; Performances by The Gibson Girls; Coming film: 'In Mid Atlantic'
The Gibson Girls gained popularity through their good songs and clever dancing. There will be a chief film entitled 'A Woman of Japan,' a story of geisha life. That old favourite Wiffles [sic] will appear in A Narrow Escape and rounded out with Pathe's Gazette. The Bijou…
3 nights only, commencing May 6, 'Wiffles Had A Lucky Escape,' a good comedy in 2 parts, 2,500 feet; 'A Woman of Japan,' a thrilling story of Geisha's honour; also Pathe's German & International Gazette; 'The Gibson Girls,' complete change of songs and…
In Mid Atlantic will be screened tonight at the Bijou Theatre. This great work is one of the best picture dramas of the sea yet produced by Pathe Freres. The usual gazettes are shown.
For 4 nights only, including the great powerful and thrilling drama of the sea, ' In Mid Atlantic' or A Dancer's Heroism in 7,000 feet; also Pathe's British & American Weekly; last few nights of 'The Gibson Girls.'
In Mid Atlantic' has attracted large audiences at the Bijou Scenic Theatre and the public should lose no opportunity of seeing one of the best pictures in Hongkong.