Tomorrow at 2.30 p.m., extra special attraction, the Bandman Comedy Company on the screen, by kind permission of Maurice E. Bandman, Leonard Stephens supported by Carl Lawson and Beryl Barraclough and other members of the Bandman Company will present the farcical comedy, 'Lumpy Wins the…
Extra special attraction, The Bandman Comedy Co. on the screen. By kind permission of Maurice E. Bandman. Other performers include Leonard Stephens, Carl Lawson and Beryl Barraclough. 'Lumpy Wins the Calcutta Sweep' in three side splitting reels.
Mr. Ray has been fortunate in securing the first Indian film, produced in Calcutta, entitled 'Lumpy wins the Calcutta Sweep.' This is a two-reel comedy bristling with good humour. The principal artistes taking part in the film are Leonard Stephens, Carl Lawson and Beryl Barraclough, of…
Tomorrow at 2.30 p.m., the Bandman Comedy Company on the screen by kind permission of Maurice E. Bandman, Leonard Stephens supported by Carl Lawson and Beryl Barraclough and other members of the Bandman Company will present the farcical comedy, 'Lumpy Wins the Calcutta Sweep.' Prices:…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Emmy Wehlen in 'The Outsider' in 6 parts. Also ‘Snub' Pollard in 'Tough Luck' and Pathe's British Gazette. Today at 2.30 p.m., the Bandman Comedy Company on the screen, by kind permission of Maurice E. Bandman, Leonard Stephens…
Leonard Stephens in 'Lumpy Wins the Calcutta Sweep.' Mystery, love, thrills in 'The Outsider.' 'The Million Dolly Dollies' at the Coronet. Open air cinematograph at the Club de Recreio, 'Wives of Men.' String band of S. S. 'Korea Maru.'