Percy Challenger, who plays the principal role in 'The Magnificent Brute,' Frank Mayo's latest Universal picture coming to the Hongkong Theatre tomorrow, is a well-known English actor.
Commencing tonight, Frank Mayo in a picture of bravery and woman's devotion, 'The Magnificent Brute.'
Frank Mayo in 'The Magnificent Brute.'
A thrilling drama of human emotions presented against a background of primaeval scenery in the majestic Yosemite is seen in 'The Magnificent Brute,' featuring Frank Mayo, which will be shown at the Hongkong Theatre today. Film synopsis included.
Frank Mayo, the star of 'The Brute Breaker' and other big Universal features, will be the principal attraction at the Hongkong Theatre today in his newest fast action picture drama, 'The Magnificent Brute.' It is directed by Robert Thornby. Frank Mayo is supported by Dorothy…
The romantic French-Canadian woods, made famous by Frank Mayo in 'The Brute Breaker,' furnish the locale for 'The Magnificent Brute,' the Universal action drama which will be seen at the Hongkong Theatre today. The 'Magnificent Brute' is Lucien Hubbard's screen…
Tonight at 5.15 and 9.15, Frank Mayo in 'The Magnificent Brute' [sic].
The Magnificent Brute,' featuring Frank Mayo, the star of 'The Brute Breaker,' was screened at the Hongkong Theatre. The story was originally written by Lucien Hubbard. Also, Frank Mayo is supported by Dorothy Devore, Percy Challenger, Alberta Lee, J. J. Lanoe, William Eagle-Eye,…