Films screenings including 'The Unchained Beast' (4 parts), 'The Doctors Duty' (2 parts), 'Bully and the Bath' and 'Her Last Chance' (Keystone); Screening of Pathe's British Gazette; Coming film: 'New Exploits of Elaine'
Films screenings including 'The Impostor' (3 parts), 'Col. Heza Liar Wrecked', 'The Great War' (Pathe's War Serial), 'Fatty's Reckless Fling'; Screening of Pathe's British Gazette; Coming variety entertainment; Coming film: 'New…
A Great Chaplin and Keystone Night; Film screening of 'Blue Blood' (4 parts); Grand Benefit Night for Sapper Dyson; Coming film: 'New Exploits of Elaine' featuring Pearl White and Craig Kennedy
A Great Chaplin and Keystone Night; Film screening of 'Blue Blood' (4 parts); Grand Benefit Night for Sapper Dyson; Coming film: 'New Exploits of Elaine' featuring Pearl White and Craig Kennedy
Screening of 'A Racey Story' winning the Latonia Derby in 4 parts; Also 'She's A Pippin', 'Old Issacs' and 'Lizards and Frogs'; Coming film: 'New Exploits of Elaine' (17th & 18th episodes)
Tonight: Screening of 'A Racey Story' winning the Latonia Derby in 4 parts; Also 'She's A Pippin', 'Old Issacs' and 'Lizards and Frogs'; Coming film: 'New Exploits of Elaine' (17th & 18th episodes)
Screening of 'New Exploits of Elaine' ('The Pirates of the Air' and 'Two Elaines'), 'The Sixth Commandment', Comic: 'A Very Tough Bird', 'Titi's Day Out', 'The Bowling Match' (Keystone)
Tonight: Screening of 'New Exploits of Elaine' ('The Pirates of the Air' and 'Two Elaines'), 'The Sixth Commandment', Comic: 'A Very Tough Bird', 'Titi's Day Out', 'The Bowling Match' (Keystone)
Screening of 'New Exploits of Elaine' (18th Episode: Red Roses'); Max Linder, Wiffles, Keystone Comic, Cartoon Comic and Pathe's British Gazette, 'The Great War'
Tonight: Screening of 'New Exploits of Elaine' (18th Episode: Red Roses'); Max Linder, Wiffles, Keystone Comic, Cartoon Comic and Pathe's British Gazette, 'The Great War'
Screening of Pathe's 'Detective Craigs Great Coup', 'One of the Bravest' in 2 parts, Pathe's British Gazette: 'Armoured Train at the Front', 'Temple Grounds at Nara' (coloured) and 'When Love Took Wings' (Keystone), 'Just Tramps…