Starting tomorrow, Goldwyn presents the King Vidor production 'Three Wise Fools,' adapted from the play by Austin Strong, staged by Winchell Smith and presented by John Golden. February 25-27 remarks: Today till Thursday, Hongkong China Sun's First super production 'Love is…
Today till Saturday at 5.15 and 9.15, 'Three Wise Fools,' presented by Goldwyn, adapted from the screen by King Vidor of John Golden's great Broadway stage success. With special music. At moderate prices. Today till Thursday at 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., Hongkong China Sun's first…
Charles Dickens' 'Our Mutual Friend.'
Last chance to see John Golden's Broadway stage triumph, 'Three Wise Fools.' Final show today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m. Starting tomorrow at 6 and 9.15 p.m., Asta Nielsen in 'Golden Key.' Coming, a great wonderful super British production, 'Our Mutual Friend,'…
Starting Wednesday 4th, Charles Dickens' 'Our Mutual Friend.' Plot and illustration included.
Today and tomorrow, Asta Meilsen in 'The Golden Key.' Starting Wednesday next, Charles Dickens' novel 'Our Mutual Friend' (the best British Picture even seen.
Today and tomorrow only at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Asta Nielsen in 'The Golden Key.' Usual prices. Commencing Wednesday next, Charles Dickens' immortal masterpiece, 'Our Mutual Friend.' Remarks: Another ad. on page 5. Picture included.
Today and tomorrow only at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Asta Mielsen [sic] in 'The Golden Key.' Usual prices. Starting Wednesday next, Charles Dickens' 'Our Mutual Friend.'
Today! Charles Dickens famous novel becomes the perfect movie 'Our Mutual Friend.' Better than 'A Tale of Two Cities.' By special request, 'Koenigsmark.' March 5 and 6 remarks: The latest and best Chinese feature 'How Road Diverged.' Also, Charles Chaplin…
Charles Dickens' immortal masterpiece, 'Our Mutual Friend.'
Today till Saturday at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., the best British production ever seen in Hongkong, Charles Dickens' immortal masterpiece, 'Our Mutual Friend' in 8 reels. With special musical setting at moderate prices. By special request, romantic 'Koenigsmark' will be shown…
World Theatre will be screening 'Our Mutual Friend.' Having a more absorbing plot, this Dickens' story promises to be better than 'A Tale of Two Cities.' The picture was produced in England and the cast is filled with English actors.
Our Mutual Friend' is one of the biggest attraction at the World Theatre. This is a Dicken's story better than 'A Tale of Two Cities.' Film synopsis included.
Today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Charles Dickens' 'Our Mutual Friend' with special musical setting. By special request, romantic 'Koenigsmark' will be shown again soon. March 5-7 Remarks: Today till Saturday at 2.30 and 7.15, 'How Road Diverged.' Also Charlie…
Today till Saturday at 5.15 and 9.15, Charles Dickens' 'Our Mutual Friend.' With special musical setting at reasonable prices. By special request, romantic 'Koenigsmark' will be shown again soon. Today till Saturday at 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., the latest and best Chinese…
Today and tomorrow only at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Charles Dickens' 'Our Mutual Friend.' With special music setting at reasonable prices.
Last chance to see Charles Dickens' 'Out Mutual Friend.' Final shows today at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m. Starting tomorrow at 6 and 9.15 p.m., Constance Talmadge in 'The Beautiful Shop.' Today till Monday at 2.30 and 7.15 p.m., 'How Road Diverged.' Also Charlie Chaplin…
Today only at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Charles Dickens' 'Out Mutual Friend.' Don't miss your last chance. Starting tomorrow, Constance Talmadge in 'The Beauty Shop.' Usual prices.