Film screening of 'The Game of Love & Chance' (2 parts, 3,000 ft); Screening of Pathe's War Gazette (1,500 ft)
This evening, there will be screened at the Bijou the first number of Pathe's War Gazette. This film is 1,500 feet long and includes other interesting items, including: A captured German ship being towed into Yarmouth Harbour, the French trips crossing the frontier into Germany, Earl…
The great comedy picture The Game of Love & Chance in 2 parts - length 3,000 feet; also Path's War Gazettes, comprising a wonderful series of stirring events in the present great crisis - length 1,500 feet.
Films screenings including 'Max's Chosen Bride' (2parts, 3,000 ft) and 'Haunigan in Clover'; Screening of Pathe's War Gazette ; Coming film: 'A Footballer's Honour'
A great screaming comedy, 'Max's Chosen Bride' in 2 parts - 3,000 feet; 'Haunican in Clover' - American comedy; also 'Pathe's War Gazette' that comprising a wonderful series of stirring events in the present great crisis; a powerful drama 'A…
Film screening of 'The Drug of Oblivion' (3 parts, 5,000 ft); Screening of Pathe's War Gazette (1,500 ft)
Film screening of 'The Drug of Oblivion' (3 parts, 5,000 ft); Screening Pathe's War Gazette (1,500 ft)
The great sensational and exciting drama, 'The Drug of Oblivion' in 5,000 feet and Pathe's War Gazette - 3rd series - 1,500 feet on Nov 14, comprising a wonderful series of stirring events in the present great crisis.
Coming films screenings including 'Wiffle's Love Romance' (3 parts, 3,500 ft), 'A Scoundrel's Chance' and 'A Spendthrift's Reform'; Screening of Pathe's War Gazette; Coming film: 'The Magistrate's Honour'
The farcical comedy 'Wiffles' Love Romance' in 2 parts - length 3,500 feet; the magnificent coloured drama, 'A Scoundrel's Chance,' 'A Spendthrift's Reform' [sic], Pathe's War Gazette - 3rd series; a powerful Italian Drama 'The Magistrate…
Films screenings including 'Wiffle's Love Romance' (3 parts, 3,500 ft), 'A Scoundrel's Chance' and 'A Spendthrift's Reform'; Screening of Pathe's War Gazette; Coming film: 'The Magistrate's Honour'
Wiffles' Love Romance' and Pathe's War Gazette (3rd Series), 'A Spendthrift's Reform,' 'A Scoundrel's Chance,' and 'A Jolly Little Dinner Out of Doors' are being shown at the Bijou.
Coming film screening of 'Slaves of Ambition' (3 parts, 5,000 ft); Screening of Pathe's War Gazette (4th series, 1,500 ft); Performances of Bert Flatt; Coming film: 'To Shield Her Son'
The magnificent and powerful drama 'Slaves of Ambition' in 3 parts - 5,000 feet; Pathe's War Gazette, the 4th series - 1,500 feet; performance by Flatt; the drama 'To Shield Her Son' in 4 parts - 6,000 feet on Nov 28.
Film screening of 'Slaves of Ambition' (3 parts, 5,000 ft); Screening of Pathe's War Gazette (4th series, 1,500 ft); Coming performances of Bert Flatt; Coming film: 'To Shield Her Son'
Film screening of 'Slaves of Ambition' (3 parts, 5,000 ft); Screening of Pathe's War Gazette (4th series, 1,500 ft); Performances of Bert Flatt; Coming film: 'To Shield Her Son'
Mr. Bert Flatt, American Musical Monologue Comedian, is billed to appear tonight at the Bijou. 'Slaves of Ambition,' Pathe's War Gazette (4th series), and 'The Detective Jane' will be shown.
Coming film screening of 'To Shield Her Son' (6,000 ft, 4 parts); Screening of Pathe's War Gazette (4th series, 1,500 ft); Performances by Bert Flatt
The great powerful drama, 'To Shield Her Son' in 4 parts - 6,000 feet; Pathe's War Gazette, the 4th series - 1,500 feet, showing the latest events connected with the great crisis; performance by Flatt.
There was a packed house at the Bijou on Saturday evening, the chief attraction being Mr. Bert Flatt, the American Musical Comedian. The programme also includes the 4th series of Pathe's War Gazette, 'To Shield Her Son,' and 'Father Boys a Chimney Pot.'