Metropole Hotel's sole proprietor Mr. Jas. Christie presented grand opening of popular weekly entertainments by Ware and Ross' Entertainers introducing Tom Morcomb, Arthur Walters, Miss Gertie Maisie, Walter King, McCormick and McGinty, the Percipaphone, the American Biograph and Jas.…
Metropole Hotel's sole proprietor Mr. Jas. Christie presented great success of popular weekly entertainments by Ware and Ross' Entertainers introducing Tom Morcomb, Miss Gertie Maisie, Walter King, McCormick and McGinty, the Percipaphone, the American Biograph, Jas. Christie and George…
Metropole Hotel's sole proprietor Mr. Jas. Christie presented great success of popular weekly entertainments by Ware and Ross' Entertainers introducing Tom Morcomb, Miss Gertie Maisie, Walter King, McCormick and McGinty, the Percipaphone, the American Biograph, Jas. Christie and George…