Next Monday will see the opening of the imposing University Buildings in Hongkong. By no means the least interesting feature of this will be the 'scenic railway,' the first novelty of its kind ever seen in Hongkong. Yesterday evening it was intended to give it a trial but unfortunately…
The work of preparing the University and grounds for the forthcoming opening ceremony and six days' bazaar is proceeding with all possible haste. One of the interesting features of the entertainments is the scenic railway, the first of its kind seen in Hongkong. The idea is certainly novel…
There are lots of somebodies in Hongkong, and they were all at the University opening yesterday. The writer described the experience of the scenic railway, which proved to be quite worth the entrance fee. There was a full cargo of passengers this trip. It was a wonderful train. First it brought…
Yesterday afternoon the attendance at the bazaar was not quite large as the weather was not altogether favourable. The company found much of interest in the numerous side shows, the scenic railway as usual claiming a large share of attention. To all appearances, too, the Chinese theatre was…
Mr. Geo. P. Lammert will sell by auction on Saturday the scenic railway which proved such a great attraction at the University Bazaar. From figures which have been placed at our disposal it would seem that, assuming the number carried averaged half a car per trip, i.e. 30, takings of $144 per…
An interesting auction will take place at Mr. G. P. Lammert's rooms on Saturday when the scenic railway, which proved such a draw at the University Bazaar, will be sold to the highest bidder, the money realised going to the University Fund. We understand that several parties are 'after…
Mr. G. P. Lammert will sell the Scenic Railway by public auction at noon tomorrow.
The Scenic Railway, which was the principal and best patronised side-show at the bazaar held recently in connection with the Hongkong University, was sold to a Chinese today for the sum of $10,000.
There was quite a gathering of bidders at Mr. G. P. Lammert's auction rooms on Saturday for the sale of the scenic railway which was such a prominent feature in the entertainments at the Hongkong University bazaar. They were not, however, in venturesome mood, and from $2,000 the offers…
The same as was shown at the Hongkong University Bazaar, will be open to public from Wednesday, 1st May, 1912 at the old Land Office in Queen's Road. 36 Extra films will be exhibited
The Scenic Railway recently purchased at the University Bazaar has now been installed in the old Land Office in Queen's Road and a splendid selection of new films has been added. Displays will on and after Wednesday next be given daily – a fresh start every half-hour. The fare is 50 cents…
The Scenic Railway which proved so great an attraction at the University Bazaar, and which was subsequently sold, will be open to the public from Wednesday next May 1. It is being fixed up in the old Land Office in Queen's Road, opposite the foot of D'Aguilar Street.
The old Land Office has been converted into a picture show. The scenic railway, which was such a success at the University Bazaar, has been installed with thirty-six new films and opens on 1st May.
Visitors to the bazaar in connection with the opening of the Hongkong University will remember the enjoyment afforded by the scenic railway, which proved one of the most prominent features. It was subsequently sold for a sum of $10,000. From tomorrow the scenic railway will be open for the…
The Scenic Railway which proved one of the greatest attractions at the recent Hongkong University Bazaar was today opened at the old Land Office, Queen's Road. Many fine films have been secured.
The Scenic Railway in the old Land Office in Queen's Road is well worth a visit. There are thirty-six new films in addition to those shown so successfully at the University Bazaar, and a thoroughly enjoyable trip 'Round the Globe' is assured, with a fresh start every half hour…