Monday to Thursday, August 30 to September 2 at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Dolores Cassinelli in 'Tarnished Reputations.' Also ‘Snub' comedy and the best and most artistic topical ever thrown upon the screen, 'Around the Town.'
Tonight till Thursday, a Blackton Production, 'Respectable by Proxy,' with Sylvia Breamer and Robert Gordon. Also Dolores Cassinelli in 'Tarnished Reputations,' ‘Snub' Comedy, Pathe news and Britain's best Topical, 'Around the Town.' Illustration included…
Dolores Cassinelli in 'Tarnished Reputations.' August 30 - Sep 2 remarks: 'Snub' Comedy and the best and most artistic topical ever thrown upon the screen 'Around the Town.'
Monday to Thursday, August 30 to September 2, at 5.15 and 9.15 p.m., Dolores Cassinelli in 'Tarnished Reputations.' Also 'Snub' comedy and 'Around the Town.'
Coronet Theatre is showing 'Tarnished Reputations' and the latest British producing 'Around the Town.' Pathe's Gazette was up to the standard. Mr Ray has secured the Eastern rights for this original and interesting series, and has eight in hand. A laughable Snub Pollard…
Tarnished Reputations,' which began its four days engagement at the Coronet Theatre yesterday, is a typical Dolores Cassinelli picture. Written by its producer, Leonce Perret, it is a series of dramatic punches. The cast included Albert Roscoe, George Deneubourg and Ned Burton. Film…