The official cinematograph record of the first stage of 'The Battle of the Somme' is the real thing at last. Realistic sights were shown, including the wounded which some find it unbearable. Lloyd George's review included.
A war film 'The Battle of the Somme' will be shown at the Victoria Theatre. The management has made arrangements to obtain the film for exhibition.
Tomorrow night, at the Victoria Theatre, the famous Somme film, 'The Battle of the Somme,' will be screened for the first time. The picture has met with such adverse criticism, but the comments from the Times and the Globe were different. Film review included.
News from Observer about a remarkable case of recovery of speech by Sergeant Harvey, of the Canadian Force, a patient in Bagthorpe Hospital, Nottingham, has come to light. He was seriously wounded in an exploration on the Western front about two months ago, and afterwards found himself without…
At the Victoria Theatre on Friday night, the first two episodes of the new serial 'The Red Circle' were shown and proved very exciting. Two war pictures were screened: 'Approaching the Second Line,' and 'The Battle of the Somme.' As comic relief, a new Wiffles film…
Audiences have been attracted by the war film 'Battle of the Somme' screened at the Victoria Theatre. 'The Red Circle' was also shown.
Mr Lew Marks, manager of Empire Theatre, applied for exemption on the ground that Mr M. E. Bandman had placed him entirely in charge of the Government tour of the official war films 'Britain Prepared,' 'The Battle of the Somme' and 'The Battle of the Ancre,' and…
For 3 nights only, commencing June 26; the greatest film in history, 'The Battle of the Somme' and 'H.M. the King on the Battlefield'; price details included.
The official pictures of 'The Battle of the Somme' were exhibited last night for the first time at the Victoria Theatre. They were first shown at the Scala Theatre, London, some six weeks after the battle took place on July 1st, 1918. The pictures are truly a vivid representation of…
Last evening, at the Victoria Theatre, the great war-film, entitled 'The Battle of the Somme' was produced. Film plot included.
The Victoria Theatre was again crowded to over flowing last night when the official films of the Battle of the Somme were shown for the second time. These pictures are beautifully clear, and they give a wonderfully realistic impression of what the actual fighting on the Western Front is like.…
That the Hongkong public has been eagerly awaiting the Battle of the Somme films was again evident last night, when another crowded house thronged the Victoria Theatre. Film plot included.
It could be seen easily that King George had been looking forward to his trip to France. His step was light and there was a sparkle in his eye.
The film depicting 'The Battle of the Ancre' was shown in 5 parts at the Victoria Theatre. This film is like the Somme film. One of the most striking portions of the films is the night photography and the films will be shown again tonight and Thursday night. The films giving '…
'Battle of the Ancre' was shown at the Victoria Theatre. It depicted the scenes in battle worth great details.
As a result of the exhibition in India and the East of the Official War films, 'Britain Prepared,' 'The Battle of the Somme' and 'The Battle of the Ancre,' Mr. M. E. Bandman has been able to send Home over one lakh and ten thousand rupees to His Majesty's…
The sales of John Buchan's books top the list. His way of writing is reliable and no man knows more about the war than himself. 'The Battle of the Somme' should prove a companion to the Official War Films shown in Hongkong.
The Italian War film 'From the Mountains to the Sea' was exhibited in aid of Italian War Charities at the Victoria Theatre. The pictures were beautifully tinted and different from the 'Battle of the Somme' and the 'Battle of the Ancre.' By special request a…