By special request 'De Luxe Annie' is to be repeated tonight at the Coronet Theatre. Friday will be the last performance of 'Dodging a Million.' On Tuesday next, 'The Better ‘Ole' will be shown. It was produced in England, and written by Captain Bruce Bairnsfather…
For one week, George Pearson and T. A. Welsh present Bruce Bairnsfather and Arthur Eliot's big British production 'The Better 'Ole' featuring Charles Rock. Book at the Coronet. February 3 remarks: Under the distinguished patronage of H. E. The Governor, H. E. Vice-admiral…
The Better' Ole' or 'The Romance of Old Bill,' the film which attracted hundreds of thousands of people to the cinema theatres in Great Britain and proved even more popular, if that were possible, in the United States of America, is to be shown at the Coronet for seven days,…
The enterprising Coronet management has secured a British photoplay and this popular little theatre will be filled tonight, for the picture is no other than 'The Better ‘Ole,' adapted from the play which had such a successful run at the Oxford Theatre in London and which in turn had…
On Friday at 11 a.m., a special gala performance will be given to the great British picture 'The Better ‘ole' at the Coronet Theatre. Fifty percent of the proceeds are to be devoted to a fund to be announced.
Tuesday saw the commencement of the world renowned play by Captain Bruce Bairnsfather and Captain Arthur Eliot entitled 'The Better ‘Ole.' This film has the distinction of not only eclipsing all English records for a photoplay, but also of having made more money for the Strand Theatre…
His Excellency the Governor was present at the Coronet Theatre yesterday morning when 'The Better ‘Ole' was screened. His Excellency expressed himself as well-pleased with the picture. The children of the Garrison School were invited.
Bairnsfather's 'The Better Ole' is to be screened again tonight. It is advised to book seats, as latecomers are being turned away from full houses. Film synopsis included.
Tonight! First two episodes of the sensational transatlantic serial 'The Circus King' featuring the daredevil of the screen Eddie Polo. February 9 remarks: Final performance of 'The Better 'Ole.' Booking at the Theatre. February 10 remarks: Mabel Normand in 'Mickey…
Tonight, 'The Better 'Ole.' At 7.15 p.m., 'The Circus King,' episodes 3 and 4 in 4 parts and Rolin Comedy. Booking at the Theatre.
A cinematograph adaptation of Tom Gallon's novel, 'The Lackey and the Lady,' and an announcement made regarding it at a 'trade' show on March 6 last year, were the subjects of an action for damages for slander brought by Mr. Thomas Bentley, film producer, against Mr.…
A splendid programme is being presented at Kowloon Theatre tonight. The opening film is the ever-popular Coronet Review, which contains pictures of the Far Eastern Olympic, including very full accounts of the South China football team. The principal item is an all-British production, 'Alf…