Screening of 'The Two Little Vagabonds' (2nd episode), adapted by Geo. R. Sims and Arthur Shirley; 'The Great War 1914-17' depicting incidents of Somme, Verdun and Salonika, 'Animals on Nursery Stage' coloured film of nature series; Coming film: 'Salambo…
Tonight, the send and final episode of the 'Two Little Vagabonds,' the film version of the immortal melodrama adapted by Geo. R. Sims and Arthur Shirley; episode of 'Fanfan and Claudinet'; 'The Great War 1914-17,' depicting incidents of the front of Somme, Verdun,…
Screening of 'Salambo', 'The Great War 1914-17', 'British Gazette No.397'
Screening of 'An Artist's Daughter' by Mr. Morlhom, Pathe's American Gazette, 'The Great War 1914-17'; Comics: 'The Five Senses' and 'A Husband's Suspicions'; Coming performance by J. Blascheck and Miss Alyce Aldin
Tonight: Screening of 'An Artist's Daughter' by Mr. Morlhom, Pathe's American Gazette, 'The Great War 1914-17'; Comics: 'The Five Senses' and 'A Husband's Suspicions'; Coming performance by J. Blascheck and Miss Alyce Aldin