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Headline: The China Mail News 1907-09-06
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1907-09-06
The Cinematograph Pathe will show 'The Harlequin's Love Story' tomorrow which is over 1600 feet long and is beautifully coloured.
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1907-09-06 - 1907-09-19
Tonight! News pictures, Saturday night showing 'The Harlequin's Love Story,' a film over 1600 feet long. Matinee, 4 p.m. Saturday. Performances every night at 9 p.m. including Sundays.
Headline: The Cinematograph Pathe
Newspaper Source: The China Mail
Publication Date: 1907-09-07
The Cinematograph Pathe in Weismann's hall continues to attract good audiences by a very special attraction – 'The Harlequin's Love Story.' The film is over 1600 feet long and said to be extremely amazing. Other films will also run through at the same time.