Grand reopening today, the great British melodrama, 'A Woman of Pleasure' with Blanche Sweet, seven stirring reels and the latest topical budget. Come and see our $1000 screen in operation; come and hear the best orchestra in the Colony; come to the only British house in Hongkong. Also…
The Inauguration of President Sun,' the exclusive film taken at the instance of Hongkong Amusements, Ltd, will be shown today at the Coronet at 11 a.m., 12.35 p.m., 2.10 p.m., 3.45 p.m. and 7.15 p.m. Together with 'Ruth of the Rockies' episodes 1 and 2. 'A Woman of Pleasure…
A Coronet special! Every item in tonight's programme at the Coronet is a special feature. The show starts with 'The Inauguration of President Sun Yat Sen'; 'Wet and Warmer,' a two-reel Lehrman comedy that would raise a smile on the face of the Sphinx; 'The Notorious…
At 5.15 and 9.15, Katherine MacDonald in 'The Notorious Miss Lisle.' Come and see our $1000 screen in operation; come and hear the best orchestra in the Colony; come to the only British house in Hongkong. Also 'Inauguration of President Sun' at 11, 12.35, 2.10, 3.45 and 7.15…
100% entertainment tonight, First National presents Katherine MacDonald, the American beauty in 'The Notorious Miss Lisle.' Also Hewry [sic] Lehrman excels himself in 'Wet and Warmer' and the topical film all Hongkong is talking about, 'The Inauguration of President Sun…