Tonight, showing 3rd episodes in 4 parts, Gaumont British film, 'Ultus.' Also various comics. Matinee 5 p.m. today, by request showing 'At First Sight,' featuring the beautiful Mae Murray. Booking at the theatre. July 2 Remarks: Ad. on 'Ultus' and comics only. July…
Tonight, showing 3rd episodes (final) of Gaumont British film in 5 parts, 'Ultus,' also various comics. Saturday, July 5, see Marie Walcamp in 'The Moonchild,' episodes 1 and 2. Booking at the Theatre.
During the 'Ultus' show in Hongkong Theatre, the attendance was very pleased. The programme for tomorrow will include a new serial film of episodes in which the well-known protagonist Marie Walcamp in the 'Red Ace' will appear in the 'Moon Child,' a picture of the…
5th, 6th, 7th and 8th July, showing dramatic serial story, 1st and 2nd episodes, Mary [sic] Walcamp in 'The Moon Child.' Also Keystone comics. Booking at the theatre.
An extraordinary eighteen episode picture entitled 'The Moon Child' is to be screened at the Hongkong Theatre. The picture features Marie Walcamp of 'Red Ace.'
July 5, 6, 7 and 8, showing dramatic serial story, 1st and 2nd episodes, Marie Walcamp in 'The Moon Child.' Also Keystone Comics. Booking at the Theatre.
The 'Moon Child' film is now screening in Hongkong Theatre, featuring Marie Walcamp. Tomorrow the well-known actress Fannie Ward will appear in 'Her Strange Wedding' of Lasky Production in 5 parts. New comics will be introduced at intervals.
The Serial film 'Moon Child' is attracting many people to the Hongkong Theatre, to see the daring feats performed by the famous actress Marie Walcamp. 'Her Strange Wedding' featuring Fannie Ward, will be screened tomorrow. The story is written by George Middleton.
9th, 10th and 11th July, showing a fine picture with a beautiful star, Fannie Ward in 'Her Strange Wedding' in 5 parts. Also various comics. Saturday 12th July, continuation 3rd and 4th episodes of 'The Moon Child.' Booking at the theatre.
July 9, 10 and 11, showing a fine picture with a beautiful star, Fannie Ward in 'Her Strange Wedding' (5 parts), also various Comics. Saturday 12th, continuation 3rd and 4th episodes of 'The Moon Child.' Booking at the Theatre.
12th, 13th, 14th and 15th July, showing dramatic film in 5 parts, 'The Daughter of the People.' Also various comics. 16th, 17th, 20th, 21st and 22nd July, showing 3rd and 4th episodes, 'The Moon Child.' Please note: peace celebrations, 18th and 19th July, the theatre will be…
The third and fourth episodes 'The Moon Child' will not be screened at this Theatre tonight as previously advertised, but the dramatic play 'The Daughter of the People,' in five parts will be given instead. The theatre will be entirely closed on the 18th and 9th, for Peach…
July 12, 13, 14 and 15, showing a dramatic film in 5 parts, 'The Daughter of the People,' also various Comics. July 16, 17, 20, 21 and 22, showing 3rd and 4th episodes of 'The Moon Child.' Please note: Peace Celebrations, July 18 and 19. The Theatre will be closed. No…
16th, 17th, 20th, 21st and 22nd July, showing 3rd and 4th episodes, 'The Moon Child' and various comics. Please note: during the peace celebration, 18th and 19th July, the theatre will be closed. No performance. Booking at the theatre.
July 16, 17, 20, 21 and 22, showing 3rd and 4th episodes of 'The Moon Child,' and various Comics. Peace Celebrations, July 18 and 19, the Theatre will be closed. No performance. Booking at the Theatre.
July 23, 24 and 25, showing 'A Price for Folly,' an exclusive Vitagraph film with a powerful story in 5 parts, featuring the two favorite stars, Edith Storey and Antonio Moreno. Saturday 26 at 9.15 p.m., see 'The Fall of a Nation' in 7 parts. Matinee and 7.15 p.m. performance…
The 5th and 6th episodes of the 'Moon Child' will be screened on Saturday. 'The Fall of a Nation' written recently by Thomas Dixon, in 7 parts, will also be screened. The protagonist of the play is Leila Frost in the role of Virginia Holland, the heroine of the story written…
Four nights only. July 26, 27, 28 and 29 at 9.15 p.m. performance, showing the great picture drama in 7 parts, 'The Fall of a Nation' by Thomas Dixon, featuring Virgina Holland. Saturday matinees and 7.15 p.m. performance, see 'The Moon Child,' 5th and 6th episodes. Booking…
26th, 27th, 28th and 29th July at 9.15 p.m. performance, showing 'The Fall of a Nation' in 7 parts, 7,000 feet, the most stupendous and amazing film production in the world's history, written by Thomas Dixon, featuring Virginia Holland [sic]. Saturday's matinee and 7.15 p.m.…
The fifth and sixth episodes of the serial film 'The Moon Child' will be screened at the Hongkong Theatre at the matinee and 7.15 p.m. performance next Saturday. At night, the production by Thomas Dixon, entitled 'The Fall of a Nation' will be shown for the first time. The…