By arrangement with the Hongkong Film Exchange Company, Hongkong Theatre have secured the sole rights for China of exceptional films. The first is from the story of Rex Beach, 'The Barrier' issued by the Rex Beach Motion Picture Company. Another is 'The Mormon Maid' featuring…
Tonight and 6th and 7th June, screening a great exclusive feature in 6 parts, 'The Mormon Maid,' including Universal Weekly (War News) and comics. Saturday, 8th June, see 9th and 10th episodes, 'The Red Ace.'
Tonight, showing the greatest dramatic film, 'The Mormon Maid' in 6 parts, 6,000 feet, featuring Mae Murray. Including Universal Weekly (War News) and comics. Please note: owing to the enormous price we are paying for the rights to exhibit this film, the prices for admission will be…
12th, 13th and 14th June, screening Universal's exclusive feature, 'The Frame-Up' in 7 parts. Also comics. Thursday, 13th June, special matinee at 5.15 p.m., showing 'The Mormon Maid' in 6 parts. Saturday, 15th June, a continuation of 'The Red Ace.'
Further episodes in 'The Red Ace' are being shown. Universal Drama 'The Frame Up' and amusing pictures 'The Mormon Maid' and Keystone comic 'Only a Messenger Boy' will be screened at the special matinee.