Tomorrow at the Star Theatre. August 24 Remarks: 4 ads. on page 2, 3, 4 and 7, mentioned the name of the film only.
See the 16th century melodrama in 'The Secret of the Monastery.'
From tonight to Monday, Star Theatre is going to screen 'The Secret of the Monastery.' The film portrays the barbaric rituals of the medieval era and includes suspense to thrill the audience. Film synopsis included.
Different from other pictures, 'The Secret of the Monastery' will interest you because it must.
Friday 25th to Monday 28th at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., a 14th century melodrama in 'The Secret of the Monastery.' Booking at the Star Ferry Wharf for Hongkong residents. Free ferry tickets both ways. Open daily: 4.30 to 5.15 p.m. and 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday: 2 to 2.15 p.m., 4.30 to 5.15 p.m.…
Friday 25th to Monday 28th, 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., 'The Secret of the Monastery.' Booking at the Star Ferry Wharf for Hongkong residents, free ferry tickets both ways.
The Secret of the Monastery' was screened at the Star Theatre last night. In addition, this film will be the main attraction during the Weekend.