Today only at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., Reginald Denny in 'The Reckless Age' and 'The Leather Pushers' (round 22). Tomorrow till Saturday, big triple bill: William S. Hart in 'The Cradle of Courage'; Charlie Chaplin in 'Behind the Screen'; 'The Shadow Graph…
Today till Saturday at 5.30 and 9.15 p.m., William S. Hart in 'The Cradle of Courage'; Charlie Chaplin in 'Behind the Screen'; 'The Shadow Graph,' the rights of which for China have been secured by Hongkong Amusements, Ltd.
The Shadow Graph,' the weirdest show ever seen in the colony. Other items in an excellent programme, include the Yeomen of the Guard by the Star Orchestra; 'The Cradle of Courage' with William S. Hart; 'Behind the Screen' with Charlie Chaplin.
Last time today at 5.30 and 9.15, the colony's biggest amusement bargain, W. S. Hart in 'The Cradle of Courage,' Charlie Chaplin in 'Behind the Screen' and 'The Shadow Graph.' Starting Sunday, final presentation in the colony of the world's greatest comedy…
Tonight, there are three big attractions, Charlie Chaplin in 'Behind the Screen,' W. S. Hart in 'The Cradle of Courage,' and 'The Shadow Graph.' Tomorrow's programme includes Charlie Chaplin in 'The Kid,' 'The Leather Pushers' round 23 and…
Last time today at 5.30 and 9.15, your last opportunity to see the world's greatest comedy, Charlie Chaplin and Jackie Coogan in 'The Kid.' Also a new round of 'The Leather Pushers.' Extra added feature, Princess Jenny Kira, the Hula Hula Wonder and 'The Shadow…