Films screenings including 'Wthin the Lion's Reach' (3 parts, 5,000 ft); Performance by Prof. Nicolas Lenz & Company; Coming film: 'A Silent Messenger' (2 parts, 3,000 ft) and 'Traitors to Their King' (8,000 ft)
Performance by Lenz & Company; the powerful coloured and sensational drama 'Within the Lion's Reach' in 3 parts - 5,000 feet; 'A Silent Messenger' in 2 parts - 3,000 feet will be screened on Sept 30; watch for 'Traitors to Their King' - 8,000 feet.
Films screenings including 'Wiffles and His Charitable Uncle', 'An Exciting Honeymoon', 'The Temples of Nikko' (Japan) and 'The History of a Polecat'; Screening of Pathe's Cartoon and American Gazette; Coming film: 'Traitors to Their King'…
Exceedingly comic & very interesting pictures, including 'Wiffles & His Charitable Uncle,' 'An Exciting Honeymoon,' 'The Temples of Nikko' (Japan), 'The History of Policat,' and Pathe's Cartoon & American Gazette; the great colour…
Films screening of 'Traitors to Their King' (5 parts, 8,000 ft) and Pathe's Sensational Gazette; Coming film: 'The Live Wire' (2 parts, 3,000 ft) and War Pictures
The Bijou management announces that special war pictures as well as representations of other stirring incidents connected with the European crisis will be shown at the theatre soon. Commencing tomorrow night, 'Traitors to Their King' will be screened for four nights.
Starting from tonight, 'Traitors to Their King' will be shown at the Bijou. A slight rise in the price of the seats will be made during the few nights when this film is being shown. Prices will be $1, 70 cents and 30 cents. Film synopsis included.
Bijou Scenic Theatre will show a historical drama of the time of Henry IV of France for four nights replacing 'A Live Wires.'
For 4 nights only, 'Traitors to Their King' in 5 parts, length 8,000 feet, a great powerful coloured historical drama, and Pathe's International Gazette; on Oct 14, 'The Live Wire,' a sensational drama in 2 parts, length 3,000 feet; war pictures are coming soon.
Traitors to Their King,' the coloured historical drama now being shown at the Bijou, is one of the best films seen in Hong Kong for some time. Film synopsis included.
Films screening of 'Traitors to Their King' (5 parts, 8,000 ft) and Pathe's Sensational Gazette for 2 nights only; Coming film: 'The Live Wire' (2 parts, 3,000 ft) and 'The First Picture of the Great 'War