Barnes' Twentieth Century Entertainers are as smart a variety combination as has visited Hongkong, and that their work is being appreciated is testified by the fact that the number of their patrons has increased nightly since they opened. Harry Gray, as a comedian, has few equals. The…
In very recent wars the motion-picture cameras have made their appearance. C. Fred Ackerman, with whom the writer tented in China, is undoubtedly the most successful of the war motion-picture operators. His first experience was in the Philippines, which photographed two men in the act of being…
A Hydro-aeroplane Elopement' by Max Linder; Gazette & Graphic news: war pictures from the front, including explosion at electric works, great fire at Kensington, Railway accident at Croydon, and new dock at Portsmouth; musical interludes by Ada Rowley, Gladys Spencer, and Dolly Swift.…
The Sleeping Car Conductor,' a fine comic by Wiffles - 3000 feet; News of the Day, including launch of H. M. S. 'Marlborough,' the latest war scenes, the winner of the 'Cambridgeshire,' latest fashions in Paris, and return of Queen Alexandra; musical interludes by Ada…
Special announcement. Debut of Miss Stephano on Saturday, 25th inst. Tonight at 9:15 p.m. including 'Wigs, Wiffles and A Widow'; 'Great Motor Race at Dieppe' [sic]; 'The Blind Beggar's Daughter'; 'Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race'; the latest scenes…
The latest programme at the Bijou is an especially good one, containing two batches of 'World's News' (war pictures, the new French President, etc.), a Wiffles picture and a particularly pretty photo-play called 'The Blind Beggar's Daughter.' Miss Dolly Swift and…
Special programme at 9:15 p.m. for Burns' Anniversary. Performances by Miss Cecile Stephano and Miss Dolly Swift. Pathe Freres' masterpiece, 'The Mysteries of Paris,' in 5000 feet long. War scenes, Paris fashions and comics are exhibited. Pictures only at 7:15 p.m.
At 9.15 special monster programme for Burn's anniversary; debut by Cecile Stephano; performance by Dolly Swift; Pathe Frere's Masterpiece, 'The Mysteries of Paris' (length 6000 feet, 4 parts); war scenes, Paris fashions, & comics.
Programme at 9:15 p.m. including the drama, Love's Young Dream; and the comics, 'Winter Sports at Bolede.' News of the day and war scenes are included. Performances by Miss Cecile Stephano and Miss Dolly Swift. Pictures only at 7:15 p.m.
Two star comics, Love's Young Dream (drama), 'Winter Sports at Bolede'; 'News of the Day': Meet of the Royal Stag Hounds, British, French and Russian Fleets off Constantinople, Great Fire at Johannesburg, and latest war scenes; performance by Cecile Stephano and Dolly…
The Bijou management announces that special war pictures as well as representations of other stirring incidents connected with the European crisis will be shown at the theatre soon. Commencing tomorrow night, 'Traitors to Their King' will be screened for four nights.
For 4 nights only, 'Traitors to Their King' in 5 parts, length 8,000 feet, a great powerful coloured historical drama, and Pathe's International Gazette; on Oct 14, 'The Live Wire,' a sensational drama in 2 parts, length 3,000 feet; war pictures are coming soon.
Exciting scenes taking place in England at the beginning of the war with Germany will be shown at the Bijou Theatre. They include soldiers guarding various railways. Other scenes are Mr. Asquith on his way to the House to make his famous speech.
The proprietors and managers of cinema houses in London have been informed that no pictures dealing with the war in any shape or form are permitted on the screen. A violation of this order will mean instant cancelling of a licence.
The pictures portraying the outbreak of the war in England was an exceptionally good one at the Bijou Scenic Theatre. The remainder of the programme contained sufficient variety to suit the most fastidious.
The war pictures about military preparations and declaration of hostilities will be exhibited at the Victoria Theatre.
A great gala night on Friday, 6th November, in aid of The Prince of Wales Fund, 'Hongkong Volunteers' and other local gentlemen. The great comedy, 'The School Girl' in 2 parts, on Saturday, 7th November, for 3 nights only. A powerful drama, 'The Love that Degrades.…
On Nov 6, the Grand Gala Night in aid of The Prince of Wales' Fund; for 3 nights only, the great comedy 'School Girl' in 2 parts, and the powerful drama 'The Love that Degrades'; look out for Nov 10 for War Picture, and 'Boys of the Bulldog Breed' on Nov 13.…
The enterprising management of the Victoria succeeded in acquiring the rights of some war pictures. The first series, 'The Outbreak of War,' will be shown Tuesday night for the first time. On Friday, in addition to the above, the series 'Boys of the Bulldog Breed' will be…
The great war picture in 3 parts, 3,000 feet long, on Tuesday, 10th November. Various interesting films are included. Performance by Douglas & Barry. 'Boys of the Bulldog Breed' on Friday, 13th November is coming.