There is another splendid change of programme arranged at this popular little hall of entertainment for tomorrow (Saturday) night. Performances by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Crystal. The pictures are to be specially fine lot. 'A Story of Circus Life' is said to be one of the…
Saturday at 9.15 p.m., a complete change of programme and pictures; new songs and duets by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Crystal. Screening: 'A Story of Circus Life,' 'Mr. Cavabout's Christmas,' 'A Shortsighted Sportsman,' 'The Cowboy's Rose,…
Wednesday at 9.15 p.m., a complete change of programme and pictures; new songs and duets by Miss Vera Ferrace and Miss Ruby Crystal. Screening: 'A Story of Circus Life,' 'The Old Maid's Inheritance'(comic), 'The Jealous Fiancee'(dramatic), 'Music and…