A week of special pictures, the Pathe's Gazette, 'A Night Out' (by Wiffles 2,600 feet), and the biggest comedy screen ever played in China; 'Wise and Milton,' a riot, a howl, and a decided hit; performance by Bonetta.
Programme from 5th to 8th, including the coloured Americans 'Wise and Milton'; in an entire change of acts, new comedy, new songs and crazy dances; Pathe's Gazette; Max and 'The Love Letter.'
Programme from 8th to 12th, including the continual success of the coloured Americans, 'Wise & Milton'; the Pathe's Gazette; 'The Heritage,' a powerful coloured drama in 3 parts, 4000 ft.
Last few nights only, 12th, 13th and 14th: farewell performance of 'Wise and Milton'; the Pathe's Gazette; 'Till Death Us Do Part,' a wonderful coloured war drama in 2 parts.
Last 2 nights only, farewell performance of 'Wise and Milton'; the Pathe's Gazette.
By special request, positively last 4 nights, 'Wise & Milton'; the Pathe's Gazette; 'The Lighthouse Prisoners,' a magnificent coloured drama.