Phenomenal business has been experienced by Northern cinemas fortunate enough to secure Charlie Chaplin's wonderful comedy, 'The Kid,' according to reports received locally. In Shanghai, it crowded the Victoria Theatre for two weeks at $2 per seat, and after a further four nights…
Reports from the North tell of phenomenal business for the cinemas that have been so fortunate as to secure Charlie Chaplin's wonderful comedy, 'The Kid.' In Shanghai, it crowded the Victoria Theatre for two weeks.
Is it legal for an exhibitor on films in Shanghai to show a picture, the Chinese rights for which are already in the hands of another local firm of distributors? Asks the N.C.D. News. The question was raised in movie circles last July when the Ramos Amusement, Ld., the proprietors of the Olympic…
Shanghai, Nov 27 – Mr. Bernard Goldenberg, Manager of the Victoria Cinema, was found dead in his room. It is believed that the murderer escaped after removing a valuable diamond ring, worth $900, from the body. He was the Manager of the Ramos amusement. Ramos Bros. leased the old Victoria…
Shanghai, Nov 30 – The police have established the fact that threats had been made against the life of the late Mr. Goldenberg, Manager of the Victoria Cinema, who was recently murdered.
Shanghai papers give further particulars of the murder of Mr. Bernard Goldenberg, Manager of the Victoria Theatre. The case is regarded as one of the most difficult yet handled by the local police in which a foreigner is concerned.
Bernard Goldenberg, Manager of the Victoria Theatre at Shanghai, who was murdered recently, has a brother in Manila, M. Goldenberg, who is in the piece goods business.
A reward is offered by the Shanghai Commissioner of Police for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators of the murder of Bernard Goldenberg of the Victoria Theatre.